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Quote: “Whoever claims that Saddam was a coward, and was found in an underground hole, is wrong. Saddam was the opposite of that, and (everyone) testified that he did not fear, and his stances proved that, and that he was brave, and that whoever says he is a coward is a liar, so Saddam is brave, and I even claim that he is the bravest man of his time, on the planet. There is no discussion about that, and a man of prestige. As for his brothers Barzan, Sabawi and Watban, the noblest of them is Barzan. – The Kuwaiti journalist, Mohammad Al-Weshaihi.” Unquote

Personally speaking, from a psychological point of view, I think that Saddam was a despicable and cowardly person, in his heart. Whoever is cold blooded, and is a premeditated killer – kills everyone who opposes him, even the closest people to him and for the most insignificant matters.

He was a cowardly person, lived in a world of fear and terror, and preferred to kill his opponents so that they do not turn against him in the future, just as he turned against those he disagreed with.

Saddam was known for recklessness and his willingness to do difficult things, but this does not at all mean that he is brave.

Rather, it is one of the characteristics of the tyrannical dictator, a violator of human rights, who was famous for putting people in solitary dungeons and torturing his opponents before executing them.

He also used chemical weapons against his own people. His obsession with personality cult and his quest for regional power and influence, made him a loathsome person in the eyes of almost everyone.

A brave person does not hide in a hole! A brave person is often a person of dignity and self-esteem who does not accept insults, so how did Saddam surrender to an American soldier who extended his hand to him, and pulled him out like a rat from the hole in which he hid for several months.

He also had a weapon with him, and yet he did not use it neither in self-defense nor to end his life, although deeply aware of what awaited him in terms of revenge of his enemies and the deep insults that will befall him.

Also, his behavior and the American doctors moving his head with their hands and examining him in a humiliating way; his eyesight and teeth, while he completely surrendered to them without objection, not even complaining. All this proves the extent of his cowardice, his clinging to life.

As for what the former academic and politician Abdullah Al-Nafisi who previously mentioned in his description of Saddam, that he created an electrified atmosphere around him when he walked in the street, everything electrified due to his prestige, the strength of his personality, we had previously responded to him about all the nonsense that was said in praise of Saddam.

It is the fear of his tyranny, as a reckless man without mercy who orders the killing of those he does not love.

It is but natural for the people around him to be afraid, as he is not feared because he is a distinguished and learned person, but because of his criminality and bad behavior since he was a teenager was tasked with carrying out the dirty operations of liquidating opponents, his acts of plundering and bullying that he used to practice with pleasure.

It is strange that some people have a tendency towards these tyrants who have the dirtiest conduct, and there is no doubt that this is evidence of psychological problems, so how can one glorify and praise the one who was the reason behind the backwardness of his country for centuries, who invaded and occupied our homeland, betrayed our leadership, and killed thousands of us without pity or mercy.

Even when he was forced to withdraw, his meanness and cowardice prompted him to burn our oil wells, out of his sense of the bitterness of defeat and took revenge from his rebellious people in the south, and instead of aiming his guns at those who humiliated him, he pointed them at the chests of the free people and thus he would have lost his war twice, the war against us and the war against his people.

Certainly this is one of the characteristics of the cowards, not the brave.

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By Ahmad alsarraf