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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, June 29: Coinciding with the period for submission of applications for admission to universities and educational institutions locally and internationally, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) reiterated its directive on prohibiting those employed in the public sector from studying and working at the same time, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting reliable sources. Sources said the decision on requiring an employee to take sabbatical leave to complete university studies remains in effect.

Sources explained this decision aims to regulate the quality of education and to emphasize the importance of stability for the employee who wishes to enroll in the university as per the regulations and decisions on regulating the quality of education and university certificates. Asked about the news on the approval given to some employees to complete their studies without going on leave,sources clarified this is on a case by case basis and no resolution has so far been issued to cancel the decision prohibiting employees from studying and working at the same time. Sources affirmed the CSC has laid down a plan for study leave according to the needs of the entities in order to give employees a chance to complete their studies in accordance with the regulations. Sources wondered how could some employees claim that their classes are held after official working hours if the university is outside the country.