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Intisaar Al-Ma’touq Intisaar Al-Ma’touq

PART of success lies in preparing for the worst and the ability to think in advance, which makes it possible for the future to be visualized according to expectations based on scientific, economic and political studies.

If education and health are the needs of an ordinary citizen, then planning, politics and economics are the backbones of the countries which enjoy the antidote and fortress that protects them in times of crises.

In this era when Science is rapidly developing, it is not advisable to depend on the short five-year plan that lacks depth and time compared to the countries and civilizations of more than two decades ago.

Countries must realize that water and food are the energy which gives them strength and durability in managing and confronting crises that have become almost similar to the ebb and flow movement of water. Investing in water and agriculture is the means for survival and establishment of civilization. It has always been like that, humans are able to relinquish life’s luxuries and continue to be well; whereas when it comes to water and food, these are two elements equated with life. Therefore, a person can fight until death for the sake of these elements, if he has to.

Perhaps, the ongoing wars in the world are politically motivated, but at the end of the day, it is all about the economy. What is happening in Syria and Yemen could rejuvenate the sick economy of the United States of America. Even the US has realized the importance of such elements; hence, the decision to make its states as one entity.

The US works hard to manage crises in the world as a way to boost the economy and this leads to more integrations but it could also be the reason behind disintegration into separate states.

Now is the last chance for countries aiming to maintain their durability and longevity in terms of gaining strength to overcome crises, to invest in the world of food so they will be able to negotiate with a voice higher than everyone.