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author name Arab Times

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I am working as a receptionist in a salon. My visa sponsor is not the salon owner but the owner of the complex where the salon is located in. Salon owner said they have a contract with the complex & that it is legal.We are only 4 employees sponsored by the complex owner out of 11 staff in the salon. We are working 10 hours/day. Last July 17, my service was terminated before completing my 100 days probationary period. My working period for July was from 1 to 16 & I still have Public Holidays & Extra Offs.HR of Salon told me that they will give my salary for the 16 days of July & the PH& extra offs will be paid after I transfer. They told me that they will transfer a whole month salary but the same day that I will receive it from the bank, I need to give them back the balance or else they will file absconding case against me.At first I agreed for them to transfer a whole month salary because they said they need to do it because of Shoun reasons. But same day, I told them that they should only transfer & I should only receive in my salary account only the right amount.Please give the right advice for me because they are threatening to file absconding case against me. Will I get a release? I have a signed copy of the termination paper. HR personnel was also insisting at first to take my ATM card. What should I do?Name withheld Answer: They can’t file an absconding case against you when they have terminated your services with them. Indeed they are duty bound to grant you a release. You complicated the issue by first agreeing to go with their salary transfer arrangement but later on reneging on it. We believe however, that this is not a big deal and the two parties can sort this out.Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected]Refrain sending us repetitive questions, Please visit our archives ( Click Here )