I’m worried that my wife is now pregnant but she is almost 2 years in her company now and she was directly hired from Philippines. We got married 3 years ago and now we are very happy she is pregnant but the problem is the company of my wife doesn’t allow all lady workers to be pregnant because that is their company policy and they said they will send my wife back to Philippines. My question now is … Doesn’t my wife have right to be pregnant? Is it possible that her company will terminate her because of pregnancy? Please sir, enlighten me on this issue.
Name withheld
Answer: The Kuwait Labour Law is generous towards pregnant women giving them 70 days maternity leave with pay. Nowhere in the labor law, are companies given the option of firing women who became pregnant. Such a law if it exists will be a gross violation of the rights of such women and an act that can be described as gender discrimination. Should the company terminate the services of your wife because of her pregnancy, we advise that your wife file a case with the Public Authority for Manpower through the labor office in your area and seek redress.
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