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author name Arab Times

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I work at a private company with an unlimited period contract. (Termination of the contract is subject to Kuwait private sector labor law) I submitted my resignation to my manager and sent it by e-mail 2 weeks ago with 3 months notice period, and now the management is threatening that they won’t sign my resignation. Can they reject my resignation? Because the labor law only said ‘notice’, and what should I do when the 3 months notice ends?

Name withheld

Answer: The company does not have the power to reject your resignation if it is in accordance with your contractual obligations and is not at variance with the Kuwait Labor Law. If at the end of the three-month notice period they keep to their threat of not allowing you to go, then we propose that you file a case against the company at Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) through the Labour Office in your area to seek redress. We advise that in order not to give them the chance of filing an absconding case against you, keep on going to work if there in no action on their part after the expiry of the notification period. This should continue until such time that case you filed against the company in decided.

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