Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

IT HAS been a while since I decided to stop writing about the Muslim Brotherhood Group. However, the problem is this group and its members somehow forces you to remember them — perhaps for the people not to forget them even if they are talking about the group’s scandals or miseries.

Let us take a look at the local headlines in the past few days, in which the topic is the oil sector workers strike. This is another topic I decided not to delve into because I know the core of some issues as a former Oil Minister, but some of the recent issues, especially those related to the Muslim Brotherhood Group, prompted me to write about it.

The problem with oil sector workers syndicates was created by a minister who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Group. When I made a major mistake by endorsing huge salary increment for the oil sector workers, it was considered unprecedented not only in Kuwait, but also in the entire world.

The former minister — whom I respect — justified the increment before the Cabinet Council as affirmed by a prominent minister, saying the increment will not come from the public fund. This is completely true hypothetically but if you take a deeper look, it was an actual mistake.

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and its subsidiaries have their independent budgets, whereas the money of the corporation is owned by the Future Generations Fund. Undoubtedly, these are public funds strongly linked with the general budget.

During the minister’s negotiation with the syndicates and after sanctioning the increment, a former official said the members of the syndicates exited the negotiation room not believing what they received from the meeting. One of them exclaimed, “The minister gave us more than what we asked for.”

After the Brotherhood minister caused damages to Kuwait, its people and economy which we continue to suffer from, we go back to the stanch personalities in this group and their tweets published by a local daily agitating the atmosphere at a time we are in dare need of tranquility.

One of these personalities is a prominent member of the nullified parliamentary majority and he is among the heads of instigators of destruction movement, while the other is one of the major instigators of sectarian fanatical sedition and he is a lecturer in the Faculty of Shariah.

During my tenure as oil minister and chairman of the board of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, the labor syndicates in the oil sector threatened to go on strike, as usual, if their amplified demands were not met.

As far as I can remember, this happened in 1994 and their demands were based on the concept, “Ask for much and talk little,” which I rejected. Instead, I took the matter to the court to be settled as per the law.

The officials of the syndicates did not like the move, but they ended up going through the court’s process. We sent related files for the court to give its word. The court denied the oil sector syndicates the ‘right’ to obtain their amplified demands.

Because of the proper and historic position taken by the corporation, we mention this for the Muslim Brotherhood members in the corporation and its super busy minister. Perhaps ...

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By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil