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The eighth episode of the Egyptian TV series “The Choice 3” documented a real secret recording of a session that included Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi when he was in charge of military intelligence, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, head of the Military Council after the 2012 Egyptian revolution, and Mohammad Morsi, the Brotherhood’s candidate for the presidency, and his threat to burn Egypt (his homeland) if the 2012 elections showed that the Brotherhood lost it.

Broadcasting the recording sparked a state of wide controversy and angry reactions. It also showed Morsi’s attempt to make the private meeting with the Field Marshal, but the latter insisted on the necessity of the presence of Sisi in the meeting because of his confidence in him, and that he is qualified to bear the responsibility of managing the entire state.

Field Marshal Tantawi did not delay in responding to the Brotherhood’s warning, ‘Mohammad Morsi’, that it would become a calamity if something happened and someone set fire to the country and warned Morsi of such actions. Morsi responded to him that what will happen will be an automatic popular feeling, not a plan, to be interrupted by Field Marshal Tantawi that the army is aware of the Brotherhood’s sabotage scheme, especially after Morsi admitted in the recording that the Brotherhood was responsible for causing the riots, saying: “The result (meaning the election result) must not change, and if that happens wave of setting fire and this should be considered by those in charge of managing the state.

Some people who are interested in issues of political Islam, including researcher Sameh Fayez, described the recording as “the most dangerous” admission of the Brotherhood’s responsibility for the chaos plans that swept the country following the fall of the terrorist group, and their loss of power following the June 30 revolution.

Fayez adds that the recording, the first of its kind, shows one of the most prominent leaders of the terrorist group and its candidate for the Egyptian presidency, speaking frankly about the scheme that the organization will implement if they do not win the Egyptian presidential elections in the run-off between them and the other presidential candidate, Lieutenant-General Ahmad Shafiq, the biggest evidence of the corruption of their organization.

The recording also shows a direct threat from them to burn the country if they do not reach the power, which is the well-established principle of the Brotherhood organization that do not care about any national or patriotic considerations, and deals only with their interests and agenda only, and try to achieve them even if they are forced to provoke a civil war to demolish the country in the interest of their project.

Fayez also points to the importance of the role played by the institutions of the Egyptian state, particularly the Egyptian army to repel and eliminate this scheme.

What was mentioned in the tape is a warning to the countries in which the Brotherhood still has a political and ideological influence, and that these people will not hesitate to burn those who stand in the way of achieving their demands, and I speak to you, O ‘Kuwait’.

Italian fascism emerged in a similar way to nazism, and the two movements were born from the womb of the First World War, and the shameful defeat of the peoples of Germany and Italy, and their desire to take revenge on those who humiliated them, and their attempt to polarize the masses by invoking the glories of the distant past.

In the same way and for the same reasons, and around the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood, which was born after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the fall of the Caliphate, appeared.

Consequently, these three movements share basic ideological signs, which are represented in the internationalist collective thought, the belief in the existence of a chosen religious or few nationalists, their desire to violently suppress the other, and their quest for the hegemony of their religious or political ideas or beliefs over others.

It is difficult to know the strength of the Brotherhood globally, but there is no doubt that they succeeded, thanks to their silent and vigorous advocacy work, and the billions of dollars that they accumulated from petrodollars, and their utilitarianism that allowed them to adopt any path or means, no matter how dirty or despicable, to achieve their goals, and the confessions of Mohammad Morsi, and the willingness of the Brotherhood to burn Egypt if they do not win the elections is the best evidence.

O people of understanding, beware of the evil of the Brotherhood and their machinations and greed for power!

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By Ahmad alsarraf