
In a few weeks, the sixth anniversary of the founding of the first civil charity society in Kuwait – the Kuwait Humanitarian Friendship Society – will be celebrated, which does not belong to any “political-religious” party, and is almost unique in various features unlike others, and it performs its work with complete honesty and transparency, without discrimination or otherwise.
The society’s first board of directors consisted of me as president, and gentlemen and ladies, with titles preserved, Imad Al-Saif, Farida Al-Habib, Anwar Al-Sultan, Saud Al-Arfaj, Haifa Al-Saqr, and Hamza Bahrwa. Only a few changes have occurred in the society’s board of directors over the past six years, except in the last elections, I was chosen as President, Dr. Sabah Al-Hadidi as Vice President, Faisal Yousef Thunayan Al-Mishari as Secretary, Hamad Muhammad Ali Al-Abdul Mohsen as Treasurer, and Haifa Abdel Mohsen Al-Saqr, Imad Suleiman Al-Mousa Al-Saif, and Abdullah Yousef Al-Ridwan, as members, with Khalid bin Sabt continuing as General Manager.
I extend my sincere thanks, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to the lawyer Professor Imad Al-Saif for the years in which the professor worked as treasurer, where he was the best helper. We extend our thanks to big brother Anwar Al-Sultan, who chose not to run for the Board of Directors this year, and who was and still is a creditor to the association, with his valuable time and money, and is among its largest donors.
Brother Saud Al-Arfaj, one of the founders of the society and a former member of its board of directors, also deserves thanks for his efforts and generosity represented by his donations, wishing him a speedy recovery. Thanks also go to the rest of the previous board members for their time, dedication and great efforts.
During the past six years, the Friendship Society was able to collect donations from charitable people and from various segments of society, and it disposed of them with honesty as witnessed by the records of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Ministry is aware of the distinction of the Kuwaiti Humanitarian Friendship Society, as it is the only one whose founders were the first to donate to it, and they were the most generous with it, and they still do.
It also does not deduct any percentages from the donations to those in charge of the association. Rather, the association’s expenses are paid from what donors allocate for this purpose, noting that its expenses are very modest, and the number of its employees is only four, including its director general.
The association’s aid focused on projects approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs, such as supporting the education of needy students and paying their fees; supporting indigent patients with treatment and medicine, especially providing hundreds of dialysis sessions for patients with kidney failure, and providing treatment and medicine for cancer patients.
The association’s assistance was not limited to individuals only, but extended it to government agencies, including the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, and furnishing classrooms for people with special needs, including sleeping beds and accessories. In addition to the association’s purchase of travel tickets for deportees, based on the orders of the Ministry of Interior, or because of judgments against them, before the Ministry decides to take care of the matter on its part.
The association has also been assisting the shelter center for domestic workers, providing health and living supplies for girls, and providing travel tickets for those who have been deported.
The association also cooperates with more than one charity organization, companies, and individuals, and is particularly proud of its effective partnership with the late Abdulaziz Hamad Al-Saqr Foundation, and the wonderful support of those in charge of the association’s many activities.
The Human Friendship Society is unique in every way and truly deserves your generous support in the month of goodness and generosity, and every month.
e-mail: [email protected]
By Ahmad alsarraf