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The Russian writer Anton Chekhov describes failed societies as those where fools vastly outnumber the sane, and corrupt words far outnumber conscious ones. In such societies, the majority is always foolish, while the intelligent individual is the one who triumphs. When trivial topics dominate discussions and the public scene, it is indicative of a failed society.


In these societies, millions are captivated by meaningless songs and words, making their creators famous, rich, and beloved. Meanwhile, scientists and writers remain unknown and undervalued. People tend to love nonsense and those who provide it, preferring entertainers who make them laugh with trivialities over those who urge them towards science, research, and reality.

The latter are seen as harmful for speaking the truth. As a result, democracy does not benefit ignorant societies, as the ignorant majority will be the ones deciding your fate.

Brother Antoine’s words have been echoed by many and seem to apply universally, not just to a few societies. In my view, his observations are relevant to the entire world.

The notion of the majority’s stupidity has been acknowledged since ancient times, with Greek philosophers discussing it long ago. However, this perceived stupidity has not hindered the progress of humanity. Despite the folly of the masses, countless individuals have made significant contributions.

Historically, objections to trivial words, songs, and poems have been common. Brother Antoine criticizes societies for their general foolishness and the triviality of their creations, yet this triviality is both normal and prevalent.

It has not prevented thousands of creative minds from delighting us with beautiful songs, wonderful novels, magnificent poems, and timeless plays.

Creative individuals like Tawfiq al-Hakim, along with many writers and novelists, including the distinguished Maryam Nour and the Algerian writer Ahlam Mosteghanemi, have often lamented the lack of appreciation and honor they receive compared to athletes or entertainers.

They fail to realize that this disparity is normal and rooted in human nature, as people naturally gravitate towards those who entertain them rather than those who educate or challenge them with lessons in heritage, philosophy, and the mysteries of the universe.

Even at the height of Kuwait’s cultural progress, many of the region’s leaders preferred hosting artists like Abdulhussain Abdulredha and Khaled Al-Nafisi in their palaces and homes, showering them with praise and gifts.

They rarely thought of inviting the greatest Kuwaiti physicist, for example. This phenomenon is observable at White House and Kremlin parties, as well as in the homes of the world’s billionaires.

People often seek entertainment over serious matters. Brother Antoine and others demonstrate a lack of understanding of what the human soul truly yearns for. If you gathered the world’s best novelists, inventors, TV presenters, philosophers, thinkers, and space scientists in a room, they likely wouldn’t tolerate each other for more than an hour or two.

However, if you invited them to watch an international football match, a baseball game, or a Taylor Swift concert, they would likely turn away from each other to enjoy the event and the accompanying emotions. The human soul, when weary, seeks comfort and rejuvenation through entertainment.

Regarding Brother Antoine’s claim, echoed by many before and after him, that democracy does not benefit ignorant societies, this notion does not hold up against reality.

If a society is ignorant, how long should it wait to become educated? There is no agreed-upon time frame for this transformation.

All societies, including those in the Western world, were initially ignorant, and no one suggested they should wait.

People learn through practice, trial, and error. Insisting on “maturity, understanding, and knowledge” before adopting democracy is akin to refusing to hire a new university graduate due to a lack of experience. How can someone gain experience if no one hires them? The same logic applies to democracy.

For instance, if we look at the American West, we might be surprised by the naivety of many people in those states.

Yet, we cannot deny their right to elect the most powerful president in the world. The same electorate that chose Biden and Trump previously elected Kennedy, Roosevelt, Lincoln, and many other great leaders.

Thus, democracy is not something that comes in a box with a production and expiry dates. Instead, it is an experience that people live through with the guidance of enlightened leaders. True, continuous creativity has never emerged from nations living under harsh dictatorial regimes.

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By Ahmed alsarraf