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The great friend, national icon and politician, former MP Abdullah Al-Naibari passed away two days ago on his 86th birthday.

I knew the late Abdullah for forty years and we held long discussions and agreed on many issues, and disagreed and contradicted on several others.

I always benefited from his calmness and evaluated his ideas, despite my disagreement with some of them, and the first and last argument between us was on the day of his alliance with who I was and still differ with, in his quest to confront the government, and he had his reasons at the time, however I was never able to digest and accept them, yet I respected his patience, broad-mindedness, and respect for the opposing opinion, at a time that my nationalist friends were famous for their impatience and unwillingness to accept criticism.

 The late icon is considered one of the founders of the Democratic Forum which was managed by him since its beginnings, and he was with us in establishing the Association for the Defense of Public Funds and the Human Rights Society.

The deceased was firm to the point of ferocity in defending the rights of citizens, and his constant obsession was to preserve public money. He also succeeded more than once in stopping looting of the wealth of the nation and his patriotic positions almost cost him and his partner their lives when someone pulled the trigger to assassinate them immediately after the liberation.

For days he was struggling between life and death, but survived the attack but the incident hampered his movements for the rest of his life and caused him great suffering and all of that is the price he paid for his national credibility. At a later stage, he did not hesitate to accept the request to pardon for those who tried to assassinate him.

Al-Naibari was loyal to his parliamentary work, and he was the most active, present and participating in the committees. Despite all the temptations presented to him, he strictly rejected all offers to participate in any government, and some criticized him and his companions for their refusal of the government position, and perhaps these were right in their opinion, but Al-Naibari and his companions considered themselves to be observers of the work of the executive authority and that they are not part of it, and its atmosphere was never tempting to them.

The late friend Abdullah Al-Naibari joined his companion, the late Sami Al-Munayyis and Dr. Ahmad Al-Khatib, they, and the rest of their living companions, represented a current that might have made a mistake in some of its positions and decisions, but it was a current that was honest with itself and loyal to its homeland and its principles and we don’t forget their national role in issuing the law “nationalizing oil wealth.”

Al-Naibari was the spearhead of that campaign and the strongest defender of it in the National Assembly due to his previous economic and oil experiences.

We extend our sincere condolences to his generous family on their great loss.

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By Ahmad alsarraf