Al-Arabi holds off Kazma in the series opener

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Al-Arabi and Kazma players fight for the ball.

KUWAIT CITY, May 4: In the opening match of the Basketball League Championship’s “Playoff” to determine third and fourth places, Al-Arabi secured a hard-fought victory over Kazma with a score of 94-91 two days ago. The third and fourth place matches will follow a “play-off” format consisting of three games, with the team winning two emerging victorious.

Kuwait Club and Al-Qadisiya have advanced to the final round, set to commence next Friday with a “play-off” series potentially spanning five matches.

The game commenced with intense competition as both teams traded leads throughout. The first quarter ended in a 25-25 tie, with Kazma gaining a 9-point advantage in the second quarter before Al-Arabi narrowed the gap to 6 points by halftime, leading 51-45.

In the third quarter, Al-Arabi continued to close in on Kazma’s lead, thanks to standout performances from their American professional, Dembicki, who scored 35 points, and Ali Al-Hadhud. The teams exchanged the lead once again, concluding the quarter with a 69-69 deadlock.

The final quarter saw heightened excitement, with Al-Arabi’s Saqr Abdel-Rida showcasing his scoring prowess from the perimeter, while Kazma’s American player Leslie posed a constant threat. Ultimately, Al-Arabi emerged victorious, clinching the first showdown with a score of 94-91.

Hassan Musa

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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