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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
THE speech delivered by the King of Morocco Muhammad VI at the African Union (AU) Summit is considered as a historic document. In fact, it is the future roadmap of the African continent, as it contained facts which reminded the 56 member countries to arise from the errors of the colonial remnants which had made them appear as being outside the global movement.After the 33-year absence of the Kingdom of Morocco in the AU, it did not return through the backdoor. Instead, the natural pathway of its house was opened, as was described by the king in his speech when he said, “It is a beautiful day when one returns home after a very long absence. Africa is my continent and my home. I am finally home and I am happy to see you.”Everyone knew that Morocco, despite its exit from the AU, did not turn its back on it. Morocco is one of the main contributors in the peace-keeping forces among several other countries. Throughout the past 16 years, it strived on African resurgence through 1,464 agreements which it signed with various countries of the union. All these countries worked with a similar mentality, which is to participate in the development of African countries.It is not possible for the natural pathway to your house to be closed on the face of everyone who believes the best for the richest, though least developed, continent in the world in terms of natural resources.The king’s speech was of distinction, despite a sincere emotional tinge expressing the continent’s importance to Morocco and vice verse. The words were carefully chosen with vision that transcended from the injuries of the past.This is because there were several fateful challenges that the monarch had to remind about in order to administer effective prescription for overcoming them and to liberate the continent from the complex of dependence on the West.Mohammad VI said, “For years, the development rate in some of the North African countries did not exceed that of some other African countries, which is an indication of their inability in understanding the aspirations of their people” However, Africa continues to take steady steps towards democracy and political stability with development reaching higher rates every year.For a long time, majority of the countries in the world knew the importance of Morocco and its pioneering role in ensuring development reaches Africa through its accumulative successful experience in cooperating with various countries in the continent as well as its ability to generate initiatives. Because of that, Morocco has been regarded as the main destination for about 15 percent of the world’s population.The huge applause that the speech of Mohammad VI received during the AU summit reflects the leaders’ great appreciation for the content of that speech. It is also an affirmation of the historic role of Morocco in ensuring the unity of the continent.The speech did not detach itself from the main task of this more-developed nation in the continent, which is to propagate development experiences to make Africa greater and more powerful, especially with the return of Morocco to AU and based on statements of several African leaders. Morocco represents a strong boast in which that the union’s countries should invest in order to enhance its unity and solidarity.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times