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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Dec 13: Personnel from the cyber crimes department have from the beginning of this year and until the end of November 2015, have arrested 300 people – Kuwaitis and expatriates, for running porno accounts on the social networking websites, reports Al- Qabas daily quoting ministry sources.

The same sources said expatriates who were caught have been referred to the deportation center and the Kuwaitis have been referred to the concerned authority. Sources said, the Ministry of Interior exerts continuous efforts to close down the porno sites by placing its logo to inform the ‘users’ that the site has been closed by the ministry at the same time seeking to alert people and warn them of the danger of using these accounts.

Sources added: “People who have been caught running those sites face severe punishment as per the law for managing pornographic site and posting obscene images. The punishment could be imprisonment for between three and five years for incitement to immorality and debauchery. A number of networks, sources say, have been caught for fraud and swindling through e-mails and said cases are still pending in courts adding there are people who were caught outside the country.

Sources noted the administration is exerting continuous efforts to spread awareness through the banks, through electronic management banks websites at the same time emphasizing that it is impossible that the banks ask for personal information via e-mail. He called on surfers and users of websites to first make sure that the source of the messages in the event of a request for personal data and bank accounts is genuine and not to enter into suspicious or unknown origin sites. Sources stressed on the importance of direct telecommunications between the parties during commercial transactions not to give opportunity for fraudsters and swindlers to get access to personal data and confidential accounts. Sources said in light of the rapid developments of smart phones programs it is difficult for the security forces to control the crime cent per cent.