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WHEN a rose withers, one would think that it is on the verge of death. However, when it gets watered, it starts recovering and slowly begins blossoming.

This is how Kuwait is today, according to what Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz said to a group of Kuwaiti people during the annual Hajj lunch. He said, “When you get a decisive leadership, its first and last concern is to revitalize the state, and fix all the damages that were left by the last phase and almost made people lose their confidence in their country. However, they now feel reassured and confident about the future”.

All nations that have risen from their sluggishness have a person who has the required desire and experience, which are two inseparable traits for success in any endeavour.

In many cases, desire takes precedence over experience, as the leader seeks the assistance of experts, specialists, and above all, honest and sincere advisors, to fulfill that desire.

By perusing quickly on what has been achieved so far, what we are witnessing today is the result of the directives of the political leadership, along with daily follow-up and explicit orders from His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad, who took it upon himself to restore Kuwait to its glory, with the help of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf who is an active initiator and a good recipient of instructions.

Its development and advancement is better than what it was before, blowing up from the roots everything caused by incompetence and had crawled with the force of influence over the state institutions, isolating the country from joy and happiness and making it a repulsive investment environment.

Yes, in the past years, the country went through several predicaments as a result of governments that resigned from their role and granted all their powers to the parliamentarians, who found in this their historic opportunity to pounce on all the joints of the state.

They put in very sensitive positions - financial, economic, service, and even educational - people who are not qualified to manage these sectors. This led to a number of disasters, which the New Era began working on at once to fix the damages, such that the ruined heads started staggering and disappearing.

This is because cleaning of the stairs always starts from the top, and fighting corruption involves painful surgical operations.

Kuwait was like a game in the hands of parliamentarians and members of the Parliamentary Complaints Committee who used all this for their own interests and in the service of a deep state that was formed during lean decades.

At this stage, it is natural that the bet today is on the outcomes of the upcoming elections of the National Assembly, something on which many Kuwaitis pin high hopes in terms of correcting the course in harmony with the directions of the political leadership, which is striving hard to treat the diseases that the country has been suffering.

On the other hand, because waiting is a scourge that leads to death, the Council of Ministers, under the directives of His Highness the Crown Prince, started a workshop on more than one front, the most important of which is putting Kuwait on a sound economic track.

This was foreshadowed by the announcement by the Head of the Prime Minister’s Office Abdulaziz Al-Dakhil to establish an economic advisory unit headed by His Highness the Prime Minister. This will be an added value, and an affirmation that we today have a clear and wise vision of what countries require in order to advance.

In all of this, we must magnify the great role played by His Highness the Crown Prince. We thank him for his daily follow-up of everything, which is what everyone who meets His Highness has felt.

Therefore, the new era for Kuwait has dawned, and everyone must work from their position to make this march a success.

We also say to our leaders of the new era that, “The people are well aware that everything you do can be very stressful. This is because Kuwait and its people are entrusted to you, which is something that His Highness the Crown Prince is well aware of”.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times