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He is not stupid, and he knows the nature of people of his nationality, and he has never belonged to them, and he knows that the majority of them are naïve.

He also knows that many are only interested in earning heavenly rewards, and those who will warn them of this danger and misbehavior and not donate, they will often receive one answer, which is that the biography of those who donate to him does not concern him, they donate in order to earn heavenly reward even if the person who collects or receives donations is a dishonest person and his punishment is with the Lord and not with them.

His instinct, after more than two decades of work in the religious field, indicated that the ways of collecting money from the “gullible” are countless and endless, and that it is important not to exaggerate the demand, as a few continuous ones is better than a lot of intermittent ones. He also knew the necessity of involving other charitable bodies and associations in what he collects and works under their religious umbrella, and the participation of their officials in what they collect and keeping a proportion for themselves.

He succeeded in making a large fortune from the donations money that he invested in Turkey and Bosnia – the money he collected under the pretext of building mosques and schools teaching Quran, spending on poor families, printing religious books, digging wells, and dozens of other activities of which he never provided evidence that he had implemented anything.

He also learned from his experiences that he can always open a new door whenever the ministry closes one door in his face, or imposes censorship or conditions on him. He always has his ways of entering the minds of the naive, and from them to their pockets to collect whatever is easy to obtain, and this is what he wants and aims at.

After the roads in front of him narrowed, he found that the best and easiest way lies in caring for an advocate. There are no wells dug, no books printed, and no mosques built. Rather, it is the recruitment of preachers whose nationalities are not known or where they came from, or where they went, and what they did, and this is the top secret.

If the ministry asks him where he spent the donations money, he will often give them the names of people from Asia and Africa, photos of their passports, and their CVs, and they may all be fabricated, and he claims some of them will go to the World Cup in Doha, to guide people.

The situation is unfortunate, the guilt is clear, and the manipulation continues. Silent or fearful officials participate in that. No one in the concerned ministry is willing or rather able to curb these people and stop their tricks, and the reason is that the money collected in such ways and under these names is enormous, and behind them are influential religious mafias penetrating all state agencies.

We will continue to warn of the dangers of these people and their manipulation, and we feel sad because the money of goodness goes to these people in order to increase their wealth, and part of it does not go to real charity societies, and they are few including the Human Friendship Society whose founders cover all its expenses and is managed ably by a group of the finest women and men of this country, without taking anything for themselves.

All the work of the association and its assistance, which included thousands of needy people, is carried out by a small team consisting of the general manager of the association, a reporter, an accountant and a secretary, compared to the armies of relatives and partisans that manage other societies.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf