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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE White House was quick to indict, denounce and declare readiness to cooperate in fighting terrorism even before determining the truth behind the attack on innocent civilians in Munich, Germany.

The reaction was paraphrased in a language that was close to pointing accusatory fingers at the same people who attacked the United States five years ago.

When it became clear that the criminal was a mentally derailed young man, the US did not change its position. Obviously, it was venting anger on Muslims and Arabs, even when the incident turned out to be a pure criminal act.

Before any other thing, the United States needs to reassess its internal situation. If it is urging other countries to control possession of firearms by individuals and fight terrorism, it should take the lead by enacting a law to prevent chaos. It should not be looking outside based on schism in the political network.

It should be serious in the global war against terrorism rather than exploiting the situation to serve its own interests at the expense of the blood of other nationalities. At this point, it may be necessary to remind the US administration about the series of terrorist attacks in some of its states and the fact that it was unable to nip them in the bud.

How can it cooperate in fighting terrorism when it cannot overcome the crisis internally? It is true that the Munich incident was a criminal act, but is it not logical to look at the external motives? Priority should be given to the outcome of the American support for Imam Khomeini movement that ousted the government of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

This gave birth to the new tyrannical regime, along with the millionaire tree wave, which complicates the social situation of a large segment of Iranians. Perhaps, if the United States did not support Khomeini in 1979, or if the administration of President Barack Obama did not support the Mullah regime considering all the terrorist crimes it had committed in different countries and its backing of extremist groups, the family of the young man would have been in their home country.

The social conditions of the family would not have led to the development of a difficult psychological situation for this criminal. Or perhaps, based on his limited understanding of things, he was pushed to carry out the act as an expression of anger over the West dealings with the aggressive Mullah regime which has intensified suppression of its people and spread terrorism outside. In the past years, the world was not serious in handling the manner by which the American administration dealt with terrorist operations in most countries.

These countries received nothing but darkness and black decisions from the house which is supposed to be white that leads to freedom, development and peace in the world. Certainly, the world will not witness American seriousness in fighting terrorism unless the United States suffers a catastrophe like that of September 11.

On that day, we will see its forces in another Afghanistan, but we do not wish to see another failure like what happened in Iraq where they attempted to remove what Saddam Hussein represented — a threat to the region, yet they dismantled the country and put it under Iranian control which has transformed Iraq into a farm for breeding terrorists since the Iraqi invasion. The world takes nothing from ‘Uncle Sam’, except fanfare, because its mills are full of wind which does not keep wheat or flour.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab TimesEmail: [email protected]