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AN intelligence officer attended the condolences ceremony of a historic religious figure that was held in a small remote village in Iraq, where people of different sects co-exist.

The officer asked the one who recited the condolence prayer not to mention how that character was killed, more than a thousand years ago, so as not to further inflame the sectarian conflict. However, the latter remained silent at this extraordinary request, perplexed he looked at the officer and said: ‘Do you want me to say he was electrocuted?’

We would like to ask all opponents of anti-Corona vaccine, who still believe in the existence of an international conspiracy against Muslims, and perhaps against the world, from pharmaceutical companies and hidden government agendas if the death of nearly 6 million people from Covid was the result of an electric shock?

Since the first day of the epidemic, the governments of the developed world, international pharmaceutical companies and advanced university laboratories have raced to produce a vaccine against the deadly coronavirus.

The US government took the lead, spending more than $10 billion from taxpayer money to speed up finding an effective vaccine and was certain that the amount will be wasted if the vaccine is not produced.

Dr. Alhunayan, Acting Dean of the College of Medicine, tweeted that ‘God’s immunity’ is better than taking man-made vaccines after infection with Covid.

Dr. Alhunayan has the right to believe that God’s immunity after infection with Covid is better than receiving vaccines after infection, but he neglected two very important and serious matters: First, no governmental or international health authority, or global laboratory, supported the viewpoint related to the effectiveness of Divine immunity.

Second, the doctor overlooked the fact that those who contracted Covid could very well have been additional numbers of Covid deaths. Also, their recovery from the disease occurred mostly at a very high cost, in terms of medical and nursing care, medicines, oxygen, and intensive care unit admission, and often also at the expense of other patients who did not receive the same service and died, so what does Divine immunity have to do with the matter?

Since there is nothing in medicine, which Dr. Alhunayan studied, and taught to his students, with the so-called “God’s Immunity” from man-made vaccines, can he tell us why he accepted, with pleasure, and even against his will, maternity hospitals, in the whole world, give three vaccinations for the newborn before being allowed to leave the hospital?

Does our recognition of God’s Immunity mean neglecting the protective factor? What about the terrible costs incurred by all countries to treat those infected with “Corona”?

There is no doubt that the doctor knows very well that the prayers of religious believers and their sacrifices, of all religions, were not the reason behind controlling the serious acceleration we witnessed in the number of deaths from Covid, but rather the medical sciences and the billions of dollars spent on finding a protective vaccine and effective treatments.

The doctor also knows that the West is the one who invented the early warning device for the tsunami, the majority of whose victims are Muslims. Is his invention, which is similar to taking a vaccine, a violation of Islamic law in his view?

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf