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IT has perhaps been prescribed for some elements in Yemen to deviate from the proper principles through blatant and constant approach of obstinacy towards the aspects of history, reality and geography, and thereby leading their country into calamity.

These elements refuse cohesion with the remaining political elements, and go to the extent of seeking support from foreign elements against their own people and nation. This is the peak of treachery, and we have many historical accounts of those who have sold their allegiance.

We know how traitors were punished in France during World War II. We know how Vietnamese traitors were punished during their battle with the French, and later with the Americans, and many others who traded their souls and nations for silver.

During the Yemeni war in 1960s, political factions sought support from the late Egyptian president Jamal Abdul-Nasser. The outcome was the death of thousands of people – both Egyptians and Yemenis – and the division of the country into two. It squashed the dreams of Yemenis to achieve development and modernization, and sunk the country into a state of impoverishment and retardation.

Is this a curse of history that affects every Yemeni who sought strength from outside in order to dominate his people like Sayf ibn Dhi-Yazan (Himyarite king of Yemen) did when he brought Persians into his motherland but they killed him after they took over Yemen?

The treachery that the Houthis are bragging about – the so-called “reform” – and the brazen change in their allegiance like the way they change their clothes; in fact, they take pride in being agents of Iran.

They detach themselves from the least level of national honor, and render their supporters to be fuel in the proxy war, causing them to pay its cost under the pressure of starvation and impoverishment which prolonged the war.

Whenever the war approaches the end either through military or internal settlement, we see the Houthis turning against their word just because their Iranian masters have not yet achieved their objectives that they are pursuing.

Lack of the concept of allegiance being of higher virtue has rendered the war in Yemen to continue for all these years and caused calamities that the agent believes would justify their delusion concerning grim oppression that is totally baseless.

The world still remembers how the Houthis turned against their partners in nation after they were presented with the GCC initiative, which would have been the gate to rescue Yemen from plunging into the furnace of civil war that had started simmering in 2011.

However, the urge to dance on the heads of snakes duped some at that time, and made them turn against the initiative by aligning with the enemy who had engaged against them seven wars in the past. This led everything to return back to square one in a country that was already suffering from choking economic crisis.

All this comes as a result of selling allegiances, which is the custom of the Houthis since the time their gang was formed, and their urge to dominate others within the Yemeni society. It is because of this that the Houthis are today turning against the Stockholm Agreement, as they find it very difficult to detach themselves from the Mullahs regime.

This regime is striving to prolong the war by repeating assaults on their neighbors, and attempting to take the war to Saudi Arabia and the entire Arabian Peninsula even though it keeps on failing in its attempts.

There is no doubt that the war in Yemen represents the actual face of treason and mercenary in the blood. Whenever cash is flashed in front of some people, they end up selling their people because they are used to illegal trade.

The only way to eliminate this phenomenon is by getting rid of those who sell allegiance, those who are thirsty for the blood of the innocent. Topping the list of such people are the Houthis.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times