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He was humble and worked in the “legal ruqyah”. Some Muslims believe that spiritual beings (especially the jinn) can possess a person. Jinns and demons can be expelled from a possessed person (or thing or place) through the legal practice called ruqyah or exorcism.

Ruqyah does not require study or educational certificate but only knowledge about the subject. A Kuwaiti who was working in the Ministry of Information died at the hands of one such person, after he was severely beaten in an attempt to drive away the jinn from his body.

The offender was referred to the judiciary and he was sentenced to prison, but his group obtained a pardon from the victim’s family, and the man returned to practice ruqyah, but with a different modus operandi, especially after a famous channel adopted him, so he became a media, preacher, representative, presenter of religious programs, and a participant, or a producer and director of shaky religious series, and went on to become, in the eyes of the ignorant people, a star.

The TV channel that adopted him was shut down, for reasons that can be explained long enough, so the aura disappeared from his head, so he went back to preaching and collecting donations from the naive, and his stupidity or anger from those who ordered the closure of the channel promoted him to join the opposition and publicly offend senior political leaders, so he was stripped of his citizenship.

His group intervened for the umpteenth time, and his citizenship was restored, so he returned to his previous activity, an advocate and a collector of donations, and if his conditions allowed, he would have won a seat in the Parliament. Some of the minds of our nation have been sabotaged, and they believe, accept every strange thing.

An ex-athlete took to healing fractures as a hobby --  to treat those who complain of neck or back pain.

His attempts met with success, then encouragement, so he repeatedly appeared on satellite channels, and the number of his visitors increased, so he had to allocate a place in his house to receive them, and he called it a clinic, refusing to charge any money for treatment, but he did not hesitate to put a ‘donation’ box at the door, for those who wish to reach inside their pockets and drop whatever they wished.

Gradually, his wife joined, perhaps after noticing a steady increase in income, and she began to receive cases that her husband, who was religious, refused to receive, I mean women.

His business expanded and he became a well-known star, and ignorant channels promoted his work, then the situation developed and with it his popularity.

Then the situation developed more and started to hive his opinions in television interviews related to the treatment of most incurable diseases, the secrets of the power of the “ring” and the imprisonment of the jinn inside it and his knowledge of the existence of the good white jinn and the evil black jinn, and that their presence in the homes of some is normal.

He also practiced religious reading on the sick and the possessed, and tightening the spine with tools he was proud of making them by himself, boldly declaring his medical career to expel the jinn from a woman and her son in this region or that, and suddenly, and perhaps with the new era, the Ministry of Health, after a deep slumber closed what he called his “clinic.” How could he fail to foresee this?

So far everything is normal, and things are back on track, but what surprised everyone was the objection of many to the decision of closure, and I never imagined that among us there are so many people with little awareness and understanding who demand that the clinic of those who expel the jinn from the bodies be kept open because he does not receive money as if we say that there is no objection to a taxi driver infected with Corona as long as he does not take a fee. None of the protesters to the closure of the “clinic” asked, how does a person provide treatment without a license, no specialization, no knowledge, no understanding?

What if someone dies at his hand, as happened with the first sorcerer?

We need an educational revolution to clarify things out of time.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf