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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

MEMBERS of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have shut all the doors, windows and even cracks of ambiguous interpretations on its unified position towards the threat made by Iran against the GCC’s existence, role, ruling system and laws.

Therefore, there is no more loophole that enables the eye of the Persian expansionism illusion to attempt to snipe on the entity of the GCC countries, and to exploit imaginary paradoxes created by the expansionism mentality under the pretext of “exporting the revolution”.

This is because the statement issued during the 42nd extraordinary meeting of the GCC Ministerial Council (foreign affairs ministers) in Riyadh is crystal clear. The statement does not need interpretation or analysis with an exploitative tone as it happened several times before due to the failure of Iran’s regime to adopt the concept of avoiding wrath of the forbearing one in terms of dealing with files and cases that used to appear on the surface.

Despite the Iranian regime’s furious reaction to the unified GCC stand, it should take some time to think deeply on the fact that doubts on the division of GCC countries have been crashed by the firm condemnation of attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of any of its member States.

It is now up to Iran’s Mullah regime to choose whether its people will enjoy good neighborhood relations with the other side of the Arabian Gulf or they will remain captives of the illusion of “exporting revolution”.

This will undoubtedly lead to the downfall of Iran — a great nation — which will go deeper into the tunnel of crises. By far, this tunnel is deeper than the tunnels of Iran’s ballistic missiles as it keeps on publishing news from time to time to scare its neighbors who have made it clear that aggression on one of them is aggression on all GCC countries.

Furthermore, the GCC position on Iran did not stop at condemning the attacks on Saudi’s embassy and consulate; the position extends to setting up a mechanism to stop Iran’s aggressions, provocations and its attempt to incite sedition by toying with sectarian sentiments.

Indeed, messing with sectarian sentiments will never help in getting any GCC national who fully believes that his or her last resort is pledging allegiance to the nation and the Islamic Arab Peninsula.

The contents of the final statement of the GCC extraordinary ministerial council meeting extends way far from what happened after the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enforced its retribution laws against the saboteurs among its citizens who threatened peace, security and stability of the country.

The contents went further to set a new era of relations between countries which always strive for peace and good relations of neighbors with various countries in the world, as well as the countries logged in the claws of a regime that lives on illusion of expansionism and exploitation of nations to achieve its destructive goals.

It is up to Iran to choose being with destructive groups that it forms in Arab countries and its outrageous interference in the internal affairs of other countries, which means further global and regional isolation.

Or it can choose to become a State that expects respect from others by respecting the sovereignty of other countries, and to participate in the development needed by its 80 million citizens after suffering for many decades due to the recklessness of the peacock regime.

This regime still lives in the dungeons of Khosrow’s palace, failing to realize that their time has elapsed on all their illusions and the idea of expansion is only found in their sick minds. Nowadays, countries expand through relations in trade, knowledge, culture and respect for the law of their counterparts.

Today, the GCC countries said their piece in a unified single voice — five in number but one in gripping the sword. This single entity has arms able to break the teeth of anyone who attempts to harm it.

Iran’s regime needs to let go of its illusion of having its way in the region. It is also necessary for Tehran to carefully read and contemplate more than once on the final statement of the ministerial meeting, so that it can learn some lessons here and there for it to be wary of its stances.

By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times