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Ahmad Al-Sarraf
few years ago I wrote about a very embarrassing incident which I experienced at the home of a friend, when I met with the Ambassador of India who asked me about the nature of my activity.
I told him before I answer his question I would like to know from him why all this industrial and human, cultural and military differences, between India and Pakistan, in spite of the fact both are one people.I also asked him why Pakistan has become administratively backward, corrupt and violent and is linked to global terrorism, unlike India.I looked at the man who I thought was India’s ambassador and he said, without moving a single muscle in his face, he is the Pakistani ambassador.I remembered that embarrassing incident when I read an article written by my colleague Hussein Shobokshi at the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper who made a comparison between the two modes of India and Pakistan and how India is representing the civil success in the sense of modern concept by virtue of a democratic, secular, amid an alarming number of religions and sects, cultures, beliefs and languages.Moreover, India has focused on science and education and support for the cultural and social system; lives in co-existence and peace and has become a multi-faceted success story that has won the admiration of the world.As for Pakistan, it insisted on the early separation from India because it considered as an opportunity to protect the Muslims from the oppression of the Hindu majority, but in reality the situation of the Muslims in India today is far better politically, economically, security and development wise, and even psychologically than their ‘brethren’ in Pakistan.Shobokshi says that the difference between the two countries is India has made all out efforts and dedication to the industry for the present and the future, but Pakistan has been busy indulging in the past and its disasters.India has remained preoccupied in reconstruction and progress of its citizens and turned the nation into a success story by making its citizens self-sufficient in all their needs, but this did not happen to Pakistan (which imports almost all of its needs from abroad).Moreover, Pakistan has been busy with tribal and ethnic conflicts and as a result suffers from division within the community, religious extremism and turned the state into a haven for global terrorism and a home to extremist militant groups.My colleague did not say India focused on this world that is to say on life itself, while Pakistan has been busy, or have focused their concerns on the Hereafter.He also did not mention the obvious fact that the majority of the West and America in particular, are competing to employ the Indians, at a time when greater efforts are made to get rid of Pakistanis living [email protected]By Ahmad Al-Sarraf