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SOME people are of the opinion that the latest sanctions imposed on Lebanese “Hezbollah” by the United States of America are limited to the terrorist gang and do not extend to the Lebanese people, but in reality, the punishment is on the nation, which before its fate, fell into the hands of a hired Persian gang.This gang strives to change the culture of the entire nation, just as the Mullah regime goes all-out to change beliefs and dominate the region all together to ensure submission and yielding to whatever the arrogant Persian peacocks decide, before coating it with religious paint.The sanctions in the coming month will be followed by strict measures against Iran, which will tighten rope on its religious-cultural expansionist scheme of terror. Therefore, it is a useful opportunity to emancipate the oppressed people from the hooded Persian occupation in order to restore the natural role it played throughout the centuries before contracting the sectarian flu spread by Khomeini with the intention of re-establishing ancestral empires.In the last four decades, the Mullahs regime has spent hundreds of billions of dollars to market its scheme through armed violence at times, or terrorism and planting of sectarian cells in various countries – especially in countries that have Shia minorities. This is no different from their Sunni counterpart represented by the “Brotherhood” that intended to coat the populist Sunni moderate culture with violent rhetoric and academic curriculums in the wake of enormous defeat it suffered in Egypt, displacing its members in the various Gulf States where they focus on education sector, especially as the latter remains their gateway into societies.Before the overthrow of Shah by Khomeini, sectarian relations between members of the same society were based on love and harmony. There were no calls for division. In Iraq alone, about 1.5 million intermarriages took place between Sunnis and Shias, not forgetting Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Lebanon; these communities did not know conflicts and division. But all of that collapsed when the Khomeini speech appeared with Persian accent to excavate and revive the corpse of sedition from the grave of history.The Khomeini political theme dominates until now, and it’s no different from what the Sunni leaders did in the past centuries – especially in Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties whose goals were to create division among people of the same community purely to serve political agendas. The difference is: the latter collapsed in the course of history but its ideology remains in the people deviating from upright religious teachings to join “al-Qaeda”, “ISIS”, “Takfir wal-Hijra” (excommunication and emigration) and other similar radical groups. The aforementioned terrorist groups are shunned by the majority of the Muslim world. They are all offshoots of the “Brotherhood” who were the first allies of Khomeini in his coup – on other words, they are two faces of the same corrupt coin.Today, all of this appear to be on the verge of changing-whether in Iran where 64 percent of its population are youth and refuse to be put in the cage dominated by men of religion, in order that they might enjoy the life of this age, or in Lebanon where the population of the youth is very high.The religious diversity of this particular Middle East country imposes a cultural trend not chimed with “Hezbollah”, which forms a real barrier in the course of Lebanese people’s struggle toward redeeming themselves from the repercussions of civil war. The barrier was formed through an acute split up, which “Hezbollah” created in the population structure by instigating sectarianism. Therefore, the recent sanctions on both sides will undoubtedly lead toward a populist uprising by Shias who bear the major cost economically, socially and politically, and when that happens, the region will not be in need of new conflicts and wars.In fact, Iranian unitary speech will restore its civil identity, which was effective in the civilization movement, while Lebanon improves its cultural and economic status to get rid of the hooded occupation.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times