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President Donald Trump, shakes hands with Coconut Creek Police Officer Mike Leonard, as he meets with law enforcement officers at Broward County Sheriff’s Office in Pompano Beach, Fla, Friday, Feb 16, following Wednesday’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Fla. Leonard was the officer who made the arrest of shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz. Also pictured are Sen Marco Rubio, R-Fla, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, First Lady Melania Trump, (second from right), and Florida Gov Rick Scott. (AP)
WASHINGTON, Feb 17, (Agencies): The Senate has left hundreds of thousands of “Dreamer” immigrants in limbo, rejecting rival plans that would have spared them from deportation and strengthened the nation’s border security. Senators dealt President Donald Trump an especially galling defeat as more than a quarter of fellow Republicans abandoned him on an issue that helped propel him to the White House. Trump, on Twitter Friday, accused Democrats of abandoning Dreamers because they wouldn’t back his immigration plan.Trump tweeted: “Cannot believe how BADLY DACA recipients have been treated by the Democrats... totally abandoned! Republicans are still working hard.” Also defeated Thursday was a compromise by a bipartisan group of senators that would have shielded the young immigrants and financed Trump’s demands for money to build his border wall, though more gradually than he wants. Eight Republicans joined most Democrats in backing that plan, but it fell short after the White House threatened a veto and GOP leaders opposed it. The day’s votes, in which four separate proposals were defeated, illustrated anew Congress’ steep challenge in striking a deal on an issue that’s proven intractable for years and on which each party’s most fervent supporters refuse to budge. The outcome suggests there may be no permanent solution soon to help the young immigrants, despite their skyhigh support in public polling.