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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT seems the political schizophrenia being suffered by Al-Mulla regime has reached a stage that is impossible to be treated. Therefore, it is no longer strange for its officials to speak two languages as if each side represents a country other than Iran or, according to the general, opening a political grocery at its expense.

This fact became glaring in the statement issued by the Revolutionary Guard Airspace Forces commander some days ago when he claimed that one of the airplanes used in killing Qasem Soleimani took off from Ali Al-Salem Airbase in Kuwait. At the same time, Tehran’s ambassador to Kuwait said: “We are neither confirming nor denying it.”

The implication of this is either the airspace military commander was hallucinating while the ambassador was trying to redirect the statement, or the diplomatic mission chief is not privy to information at the disposal of that official. The expectation is that the envoy should have received instructions from the administration concerning the situation, or did he perceive Kuwaitis as part of the people of Iran who should believe whatever statements issued by the Tehran authorities, so such a sensitive statement should just pass by easily? This is exactly the same scenario with his boss at the Foreign Affairs Ministry Mohammad Javad Zarif who says something only to contradict himself immediately.

Another confirmation of Al-Mulla regime’s political schizophrenia is embedded in the statement of Hassan Rouhani that President Donald Trump’s administration remains the worst in the White House. Does he imagine the United States is suffering from Iranian sanctions and international blockade placed on it due to the power of Tehran’s decisions, thinking its economy is on the verge of collapse? He claimed the squares and parks in New York, Washington, Chicago and other cities are boisterous daily as people are demanding for ouster of the ruling government, which turned its policy the opposite of the simplest contemporary demands that made the United States a pariah nation?

Whoever listens to the dry statements of senior officials in Tehran will suffer from heart attack as they laugh hysterically over what has become of Al-Mulla regime’s peacocks. They have been threatening to defeat the US (the Great Satan) for over 40 years, so when there was an opportunity to assassinate Soleimani they blamed it on Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq and Qatar. They have forgotten that the foe they are expecting are already along their borders and can attack them with the ammunition being displayed. However, the ammunition is only suitable for display or they are afraid of confrontation.

What we know is that the Iranian voice phenomenon is about changing missiles with threats directed at neighboring states exclusively; hurling accusations at Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia. They are imagining that this can be used to influence the position of these countries. In contrast, it widens the distance from it and causes more serious problems for its people. Political reality and logic demand Iran to go down from the tower of illusion in order to realize that none of the Iranians, citizens of the region or even people across the world believe the claims made by clipped-wing peacocks. In spite of everything surrounding them, these peacocks have yet to realize that there is reaction and price for every action.

This policy can only bring about more isolation for the regime; considering the continuity of public demonstrations, protests and uprisings which have reached about 1,500 since last year. The rate of international sanctions is biting harder from all perspectives. This means the ruined regime is living in a serious crisis which pushes it towards a deplorable situation where deadly errors abound.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times