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EVERYONE knows that the war in Yemen is between the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and not with the Houthis, who represent a tool in the hands of the Mullahs regime.

Therefore, Riyadh, with its initiative, has put before Tehran a difficult choice and a real test -  either it accepts peace or it has to face the international community, which wants to discipline this regime. This is evident from the declaration made by several Western countries in support of the Saudi peace initiative.

There is no doubt that this advanced step announced by the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan constitutes the beginning of a fundamental stage in the process of restoring stability in Yemen.

Therefore, the international community appreciates the initiative, which is getting increasing support. This means that the world will not accept the suffering of the Yemeni people which has continued since 2011 when the Houthi group turned against the state in pursuit of achieving the other part of the sabotage project of the former US President Barack Obama’s administration under the title “Arab Spring” and democracy for the Arab people.

For the last six years, the Iranians and the Houthis were convinced that prolonging the war would exhaust Saudi Arabia and the Arab coalition, and that it would facilitate their invasion of Saudi lands and control over the holy places as well as achieve the Mullahs’ illusion. However, the events that occurred have proven that Saudi Arabia only seeks to achieve peace in Yemen and legitimate defense on its borders and security within the international frameworks, norms and conventions.

Despite all this, facts have proven that all the attacks launched by the Revolutionary Guards, using either ballistic missiles or drones, and the attempts to terrorize the innocent citizens in Saudi Arabia did not destroy the unity of its people. They instead increased their determination to confront and stand with their leadership. The ranks of Iran’s allies continue with degradation not only in Yemen but in the region as a whole. This means that the planners and mentors present in Tehran must realize that this game has ended with the defeat of its project.

The Arabs and the world know that this initiative is based on the previous initiatives, particularly the Gulf initiative to support all the efforts of the consultations to end the crisis and reach a comprehensive political solution.

Therefore, the Houthis’ inclination to waste this historic opportunity means that they continue to subject 26 million people to the suffering they have caused over the years.

The initiative does not reflect Saudi Arabia’s interest in stabilizing Yemen and giving priority to all its components only for national interests. Rather, it means starting an Arab project in order to rebuild it and address all the defects caused by the war.

Saudi Arabia has been clear about determining the path to follow to get Yemen out of the quagmire, which is by giving the Houthis the opportunity to uphold the interests of their country and its people over Iran’s ambitions.

That is why the Deputy Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince Khalid bin Salman was clear when he said, “We hope they will quickly accept in order to start peace consultations between the Yemeni parties in order to reach a comprehensive and sustainable political solution. The Arabs particularly Saudi Arabia will not accept the continuation of this suffering imposed by the sectarian expansion project created by the sick Iranian imagination”.

There is a fact that must be recognized - Saudi Arabia and the Arab coalition forces were able to resolve the war from its early years, but they were avoiding colliding with the international laws, which unfortunately were changed during the Obama administration. These laws did not consider the crimes of Iran and the Houthis in Yemen and the rest of the region. The more the coalition tried to discipline these groups, the more human rights organizations, which were motivated by the Obama administration and the reformists from Iran, arose, and these laws became known to Saudi Arabia.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times