Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

They represented the ultimate values of our Islamic Gulf Society in terms of solidarity by helping the victim and protecting the nation from its enemies. They portrayed the best image of cohesion by a joint military control that went a long way to accomplish victories, as they thwarted and buried many plots intended for the destruction of our society, and deterred the expansionist plan after the take-over of Yemen as a platform to launch the project of oppression.

Death, characterized by martyrs of righteousness and pride—Colonel Abdullah Al-Sahyan of the Saudi Forces and Colonel Sultan Al-Katbi of the Emirate Forces, has ranks. They defended and protected Yemen alongside their warriors with the ultimate goal of winning by victory or martyrdom.

Despite the malicious campaign that targeted the unanimity of the Arab alliance—particularly relationships between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the union becomes stronger day by day, as they renew the robe of victory daily through unified and stable stances they adopt. Although several GCC and Arab countries have joined forces to defend legal governance in Yemen, adherent cooperation between Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates is the prominent goal.

It’s not strange that murder is the first line on the pages of war fought by the good men of loyalty and courage. The martyrdom of Al-Sahyan and Al-Katbi strengthens the Arab alliance in general and Saudi Arabia and UAE in particular, and the resolve to defend justice in the company of senior military officials in the battlefield. This reflects courage and self-confidence amid the principal responsibility of a military officer to defend his country in the battlefield and not behind closed doors or inside offices. This is the most important lesson learned through the martyrdom of Al-Sahyan and Al-Katbi.

It is brilliant to defend one’s principles and even die for them. What a wonderful stance Saudi Arabia and UAE have taken before the enemy! News of the martyrdom of Al-Sahyan and Al-Katbi will be recorded in golden letters. I entreat Allah the Almighty to have mercy on their souls and accept them among the martyrs. I also implore Allah to strengthen GCC leaders against the power of evil and oppression.

By Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi