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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

JOHA, a folkloric comic character, was one day visiting a neighboring country with his son. Father and son were seen riding on the back of a donkey with their luggage.

As they continued on their journey, people began to laugh because they had no regard for the donkey. Some of them even said, ‘Look they don’t have pity for the poor animal’.

As they neared their destination, the boy got down and began to walk while Joha preferred to ride the donkey. When people saw them, many commented saying, ‘Look at the inconsiderate father. He rides the donkey and makes the son walk’.

Joha had no option but to get off the back of the animal and let his son ride the donkey. Nothing worked, people continued to comment, ‘Look at the ungrateful son. He rides the donkey and the poor father walks’.

Consequently, both of them came to the conclusion that they should walk and let the donkey follow them. This too did not satisfy some people’s tastes. They continued mocking them and said, ‘Look at those two foolish people. They have a donkey but don’t know how to make use of it.’

This is applicable to many people among who criticize the government for everything it does — either good or bad. They are pessimists good at spreading the culture of misery. The odor of their frivolous speeches has contaminated the air we breathe. They oppose everything just for the sake of opposing.

This opposition is the reason why Kuwait has always been lagging behind other countries in the region — the country which was once an oasis rich with culture, arts and creativity, in addition to moderation and tolerance which now has been thrown into the dustbin of backwardness.

The Arabs and the entire world knew Kuwait as a haven for civilization. The Arabi magazine which hit the bookshelves in the 1950s knocked at all the houses in the Arab world; the Kuwaiti theater flourished and we became familiar of the innovations of Saqr Al-Rashoud, Abdulhussain Abdulredha and Abdulaziz Al-Saree. The songs echoed the truthfulness of Kuwait.

At that time intellect, innovation, arts and belief filled the society. It was like an oasis in its surrounding, the political speech was high-class, free from abuses and false accusations.

At that time unlike today, we were unaware of the ‘negative phenomena’. When members of this group began penetrating our political life, happiness faded, suffering crept in and innovation shrank. The art took a toll and political speech became a bazaar for accusations, betrayal, dismissal and coercive opinion imposed on others.

Of late we saw a barrage of criticism during the celebrations which were held under the title ‘Kuwait’s Generosity’. This revealed the fact that those unfortunate people who shout slogans at the top of their voices do not live in a world of reality.

They prefer darkness because the truth has blinded. They refuse to see facts. They prefer not to know that they are not the only ones living in this country.

Kuwait has the right to enjoy its celebrations and express them in a legal and civilized manner. Moreover, nobody is a guardian of the nation except for our own conscience and respect for the rights of others who express themselves peacefully.

The country has the right to generalize joy through celebrations which reflect the pride of the nation.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times