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I was astonished by the size of the crowd in the cemetery, in the early hours of yesterday morning. I saw among them citizens and residents, Indians, Druze, Sunnis, Shiites, Bohras, Catholic Christians, Copts, Buddhists and others.

Women and men of different ages, in national, religious or ordinary clothes, and from all walks of life, nationalities and backgrounds that exceeded ten years, as everyone took the trouble to come at an unusual time to take the last look at a human being, exceptional by all human standards.

The name Nafisa Moez Ali may not mean much to those who did not know her, and even to some who knew her, but those who knew her closely know well that she is an angel, but with wings of love instead of feathers.

Dr Hosam Abdel-Baqi she and her family are exceptional to him, despite all the differences between them in terms of culture, religion, society, nationality and others. He is Lebanese and she is Indian. He says he met her for the first time at a gym, and they became almost friends over time.

He also says that he once failed to go to the club for a few days, due to difficult circumstances he was going through, so she missed him as asked for him. She knew from him after insistence, that he is going through a very difficult financial difficulty, and that he needs to borrow from the bank; and he needs someone to guarantee the loan. She brought the money he needed the next day, and she even refused to receive a promissory note from him.

His financial problems were resolved, and his situation changed for the better, and all thanks to a woman whom he barely knew, but only connected with each other by a sports company, and yet she was better than a thousand friends and a thousand relatives.

I will not list here what I know about the beauty of her soul, through my knowledge of her over a period of more than thirty years, nor will I narrate what some of her relatives have told me about her, for this requires several pages, but I will write what the distinguished oncologist, Susovana Nair, said about Nafisa, who was once one of her patients, who had become, with time, an almost daily part of her outpatient clinic, where she visited and checked on her patients, especially those with needs, and foreign women in particular, the most in need.

She was also a source of comfort for them in the darkest hours of their lives, with the guidance and advice she provided to them, as she had previous experience with this malignant disease, and its consequences for the patient and his family.

Dr. Nair goes on to say that she relied on Nafisa’s strange willingness to volunteer and help in any circumstance, on her unremitting smile, her confidence, kindness and humility, despite all the material and scientific advantages she possessed, and how Nafisa showed a strong sense of social responsibility.

Well-known oncologist consultant S. Thorothel says Nafisa was an unusual patient, as she was one of the few rare who did not complain about her illness, but always said that she was ‘OK’, and he knew very well that she was suffering but she never allowed her pain to affect her home or good volunteer work.

Nafisa Moez Ali passed away, but she will definitely remain in the memory of her family, her lovers, and all those whom she once helped because they needed her, and not for any benefit.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf