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Douglas Silliman Douglas Silliman

One of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of being the US Ambassador to Kuwait is the opportunity to help Kuwaitis discover new and interesting sides of American culture. That is why I am thrilled to announce the launch of the third annual “Discover America Week,” Oct 25-31, a celebration of my country’s culture, including education, technology, food, entertainment, and shopping.

At venues across the city, you’ll find events that capture your imagination and appeal to all five senses. There will be musical performances, food exhibitions, educational fairs, a business speaker series, a car launch, and much more. You’ll be able to discover the incredible depth and variety of the American experience.

This year’s Discover America theme is: Quality. Reliability. Together. I chose this theme because it not only describes American products and services, but also the enduring relationship between the United States and Kuwait.

Quality. The United States is known for its quality products, services, technology, automobiles, education, films, and music — all of which are popular with discerning Kuwaiti consumers. This passion for quality unites Americans and Kuwaitis and is evident in the American businesses represented here.

Reliability. What is made in the United States lasts. This is as true of American products and services as it is of the strong US-Kuwait relationship. As we prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kuwait’s liberation, we are reminded that, then as now, Kuwait has a reliable partner in the United States.

Together. The Kuwaiti and American people share much in common: a deep commitment to education, to family, to health, and to heritage. We have faced challenges together in recent years that have brought our two nations closer together, creating an inseparable bond.

It is therefore no surprise to me that trade between our countries expanded by more than 165 percent between 2009 and 2014. I am proud to note that American industry is the largest foreign investor in Kuwait and largest private employer of Kuwaiti nationals, particularly in the petrochemical industry. Through Discover America Week, you will see many more examples of how American culture and business are creating new opportunities for our people to grow closer and prosper together.

Discover America Week is a fun way to bring our two people closer together, while highlighting the many ties between our countries. Culture and business are, after all, first and foremost about relationships and shared experiences.

As US Ambassador to Kuwait, one of my top priorities is to strengthen and deepen the relationship between our countries, which I will continue to encourage across the full range of sectors and people-to-people exchanges. My embassy, working closely with the Kuwaiti government and the private sector, stands ready to support partnerships that benefit our two economies, our citizens, and our shared future.

The 2015 Discover America Week is an excellent example of this partnership, and I hope that you’ll join me at one of the exciting events taking place this week. Visit for a complete schedule.

By Douglas Silliman

US Ambassador to the State of Kuwait