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Many believe that life is short and we should enjoy it as much as we can, drinking, eating and entertaining ourselves to the fullest as there is no guarantee that we are immune to early death.

They also set many examples of the experiences of individuals who are known to take care of their health, not eating harmful foods, not smoking or staying up and keen to exercise daily; however they suddenly die for one reason or another. They also mentioned contradictory examples of those who drank and smoked and lived longer. All this is true, but often applies to a few people. Life is not only how we live and how we used to live, but in a way life will end, or our health condition will deteriorate during our last years.

Are we going to live it while we are enjoying reasonable health, doing our work as usual or something close to it, or we will be prisoners of hospital beds and plastic pipes coming in and out of us, totally dependent for survival on a range of devices, suffering from various types pains and aches that cause anxiety, exhaustion and sadness for ourselves and for loved ones around us, or will we depart life with reasonable health condition?

This is a vital and significant question. What many do not know is that the companion of life is not the husband, wife, mother, son, daughter or friend, but our companion is our body. It is the one which remains with us when the loved ones around us begin to fall apart, and it is the one which will hold us accountable if we do not care about it and the one which thanks us and makes us happy if we care for it.

The body is the one which came with us to this world and we will depart with it, and thus what we do with this body will be reflected on us, the more we care about it the more it will be able to pay attention to us, our body is the address we inhabit in. How to do this is easy, but difficult to remain committed to.

In the same context, I read a recent study published in The Guardian about the need to prepare for death. Experts at the Academy of Medical Sciences in London saw death as an inevitable end for everyone, but few are not disturbed with talking about it and most people are not planning how their end will be.

Professor of oncology at Sussex University believes that we have to make plans for our death, as we draw up plans for receiving a new baby, and death should not be seen as something horrific, and refusing to think about it. “Why do not we make it happen in the best way it could be?” she asked.

Not planning or talking about death means that many people do not spend their last weeks and hours as they choose, and families are often left with some remorse.

A survey by the Academy of Medical Sciences found that six out of 10 people feel they know little or nothing about the last hours of human life, while many get their information about death through documentaries or other television programs, rather than dialogue with specialist doctors.

“Challenging this taboo is at the heart of the Academy’s national campaign,” said Professor Robert Lechler, president of the Academy of Medical Sciences while another professor confirmed that death is a saddening matter but refusing to talk about it makes it more difficult and a shock to both the person who is dying and his family.

I personally do not mind talking about death, and better if it happens and loved ones are around me, and the temperature is moderate, and die in my bed, as a member from the awakening movement wished from his Lord recently after regretting sending tens of thousands to die in the fields of ignorance and ruin and sand and under unbearable temperatures.

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By Ahmad alsarraf