Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

THE tribal lawmaker who boasted that more than 90 young men from his tribe got admission at the Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences and the Ali Sabah Al-Salem Military College upon his recommendation has violated the Kuwaiti Constitution which speaks of justice, liberty and equality which forms the firmest bonds between citizens.

It is not only this MP who has violated the Constitution but also the one who has approved his request.

Article 7 and Article 29 speak of people being equal in human dignity and in front of the law in terms of rights and public duties irrespective of gender, origin, language or religion.

This incident reminded me of a shameful tweet posted by one of the radical bigmouths, who, following the suicide bombing of the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque which killed 27 fasting Muslims and injured hundreds of others during noon prayer croaked ‘We will see in future if this incident leads to increasing the number of recruits in the police and the army’.

What he meant through this poison laced tweet was the incident will help more people from this sect get recruited as a token of government compensation to satisfy the lawmakers belonging to this sect.

This is the habit of such malicious and radical bigmouths but the tweet provoked the resentment from a majority of the components of the Kuwaiti society.

Let’s go back to the issue of government compensations and look at the lawmakers who have neither color, nor taste or smell and what the Al-Qabas daily published on its front page on March 1, 2016.

The newspaper announced the government through its Minister of Health and his undersecretary had given the nod for 1,100 people to go for overseas medical treatment upon the request of a ‘superman’ MP at the expense of the Treasury — a few of them deserved the treatment but a majority did not.

The news report says this MP threatened to open the can of worms if his request did not see the light of day due to pressure from the Parliament.

Unless we trust the credibility of the Al-Qabas newspaper, we will not reply to this abominable incident at all levels which would provoke the Parliament — if it is respectable — to form an investigation committee to tackle the issue and hold the government and the concerned lawmaker responsible for violating the articles of the Constitution and causing the waste of public money through suspicious, illegal and unconstitutional means.

Unfortunately both — the government and the Parliament — are clinically dead awaiting burial.

We want to tell the government and the Parliament that patience has its limits and beware the fury of an angry man.

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By Ali Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil