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THE National Day celebration of the Sultanate of Oman this year is different in form and substance compared to the previous years. This is because this year’s celebration is coupled with challenges and the persistence to continue on the path of progress led by the symbol of challenge — Sultan Qaboos Saeed, who sparked the flame of continuous modernity in Oman since 1970 through constructional advancement and human resources development.

Because of this, Sultan Qaboos has earned the loyalty of his people, as he placed the nation as his top priority before anything else.

This year’s celebration differs in substance because dependence on the determination of a man, who believes fighting an ailment is a challenge just like any other challenge, has succeeded. Therefore, Omanis, other GCC nationals and all Arabs who believe in the appositeness of Qaboos’ vision, locally, regionally or even internationally, are today participating in Oman’s joyful occasion because they believe this occasion marks the renewal of the national allegiance.

Indeed, everyone is participating with Oman in its joyful festivity. They see this extraordinary man attend his country’s celebration in a state of health for which many have been praying in order for him to return to completing the course of Oman’s progress. This is what everyone wished and supplicated for.

About 46 years ago, Qaboos received the Sultanate when it was drenched in ignorance, fear and backwardness. Oman, being a country with vast land area, opened its windows for every source of light.

His focus was not mainly on construction of concrete buildings. He instead worked on the building of human beings. This was and continues to be his only concern due to his belief that no country or community can be successful and stable without educated and civilized citizens.

This man, due to his dreams and aspirations, devoted his life for his country and his people.

Today’s Oman, with its modern infrastructure, huge construction projects, and advancement in scientific, economic and industrial domains, represent the real image of the desire of a man who works for the future and not the past. He builds and challenges, and he listens to his people while transforming the vision of his people into reality.

Due to the determination and hard work of Omanis everyday, anyone visiting Oman from time to time will notice the transformation of the country, making it seem like a new one compared to the one they witnessed in their past visit. At the same time, they will also notice that the Omanis have not been changed by circumstances and time.

If the core human characteristics are based on the heart and tongue, then Sultan Qaboos has changed this principle by rendering the human characteristics to be based on heart and brain – the heart throbs with loyalty towards the nation and the brain engages in the building of the nation to ensure it survives in the coming ages. In this regard, he has succeeded due to the fact that he does not see any impossibility in the course of the building of the nation.

Based on these principles, he addressed his people with sincere national language when the “Arab Spring” started. He prioritized the interest of the nation over any other interest, which made Omanis steadfast in confronting and shunning any destructive wind that blew from outside. At the same time, they worked patriotically to protect the internal front.

Oman overcame the Arab Spring crisis easily; in fact, with more national determination than ever before, such that it cemented its national unity to make it a model worth adopting.

Considering the fact that Sultan Qaboos is well aware of the importance of cooperation with the neighboring countries, he adopted a comprehensive national accord with series of stances and initiatives in the GCC region and also in Arab world. He made Muscat the guiding light of various parties in terms of reconciliation, understanding and agreement. Due to this, it deserves the title of “Regional Capital of Reconciliation”.

Based on this comprehensive vision of Sultan Qaboos for his country, nation and region, and with transparency which is free of any flattery, he managed to build this great edifice which everyone is celebrating and he made it distinguished in every aspect. The producer of that glory is this year celebrating with his people after recovering fully.

Congratulations to Oman on its 46th year of loyalty and nation building! Congratulations to Sultan Qaboos and to the loyal and loving people of Oman.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times