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Ahmad-Al-Sarraf Ahmad-Al-Sarraf

Several newspapers reported last Saturday about the decision by the Ministry of Interior to install jamming devices inside the Central Prison and a number of candidates who are contesting the National Assembly elections, particularly those affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood group and the Salafists have voiced their protest, particularly installing such devices in one particular cell.

These jamming devices, or similar to them have been installed in almost all mosques and all places of worship. They are even installed in places such as movie theaters, lecture and meeting halls and therefore is not new, or heresy. Moreover, the ability to prevent prisoners from making phone calls from mobile phones varies from one system to another.

According to security sources, all prisons in the world prevent inmates from using any means of communication with the outside world and Kuwait is no exception.

In Kuwait the inmates, particularly those serving time for drug trafficking, use cell phones, for example, to run their trade and the difference here is a candidate too can manage with a difference, his election campaign or direct the election strategy.

But because of the nature of the population and the security structure in Kuwait, the Interior Ministry was always having trouble preventing what is called the ‘senior’ inmates from using phones inside the prisons and the reason being there are a few dishonest securitymen who willingly hand over cell phones to the prisoners who want to use them.

According to information we have received, the problem is not related to the issue because we know what has caused jamming devices a headache for inmates as far as the ability of those devices to prevent the inmates from contacting the outside world is concerned.

In plain words it means that the jamming devices will prevent the inmates from using their cell phones from inside the prisons, the usage of which the law forbids anyways.

This is a funny tale about a ‘thief’ who files a lawsuit against the owner of a house because the protecting iron bars in the window were not fixed properly.

In the lawsuit the man holds the owner responsible because when he attempted to break into the house, he got injured. He accused the owner of poor workmanship.


We praise the decision taken by the former veteran MP Faisal Al-Shaye who has a good and clean reputation.

He is one of the few MPs who has earned the respect of everyone in the earlier Parliament and has now decided not to contest the upcoming polls perhaps because of his dissatisfaction with the undemocratic practices inside the National Assembly or perhaps because of the bitter pain he experienced over the past three years with his former colleagues or because of some voters from his district who have slapped on him false accusations.

Email: [email protected]

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf