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Focus on bills beneficial to citizens: Al MutairiKUWAIT CITY, Sept 25: MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei has forwarded questions to Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and State Minister for Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh about Ministerial Resolution No. 32/T/2017 on the dissolution of Kaifan Cooperative Society Board of Directors.He wants to know why the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor approved the budget of the cooperative in the past five years despite frequent media reports on the alleged embezzlement of funds, if the ministry received complaints in this regard, steps taken to address these complaints, if the minister formed investigative committees to look into the purported negligence of the board members and misappropriation of funds, and results of investigations He also asked if anyone linked with the cooperative was referred to the Public Prosecution in the last five years, details of violations if any and measures taken against those proven to have committed violations, financial observers tasked to monitor the cooperative, names of companies that dealt with the cooperative, nature of contracts signed with these companies, employment history of interim directors appointed by the minister, and the mechanism used for selecting interim directors. He went on to inquire if there are interim board members who are below 30 years old as this is a violation of Law No. 24/1979 stipulating that board members of cooperative societies must be at least 30 years old, reasons for not inviting shareholders to hold an extraordinary general assembly, and reasons for not appointing interim board members among shareholders in the area.Meanwhile, MP Majed Al-Mutairi urged the Parliamentary Priorities Committee to prepare a summary of committees’ reports on proposals to improve the living conditions of citizens as part of priorities for the next legislative round. He stressed the need to focus on bills deemed beneficial for citizens, especially since the expected accomplishments were not completed in the previous round. Commenting on some lawmakers’ plan to grill certain ministers in the next legislative round, Al-Mutairi pointed out this is the right of his colleagues as part of the regulatory aspect of parliamentary work but it is important to focus on the legislative aspect as well.By Abubakar A. Ibrahim Arab Times Staff