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KUWAIT CITY, July 4: MP Hamdan Al-Azmi intends to file a grilling motion against Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali at the beginning of the second round of the 16th parliamentary term. Al-Azmi disclosed the grilling motion will focus on violations committed by the Defense Ministry and its subsidiaries. He hopes the minister will face the grilling in order to clarify a number of issues, hinting that the motion will reveal surprising facts.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah expressing his views at the meeting

Meanwhile, MP Mehalhal Al-Mudaf forwarded queries to His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid about the assets of the State, including the Public Reserve Fund, oil reserve, Future Generations Fund, movables and properties. He requested for detailed reports on these assets, compensations and changes in the figures compared to those recorded at the end of fiscal 2020/2021; as well as the qualitative and geographic plans for the Future Generations Fund and Public Reserve Fund. He demanded for information about the financial commitments of the Public Institution for Social Security (PIFSS), development enterprises, treasury bill, securities, Military Reinforcement Law number 3/2016, and budget allotted for housing and indemnity. MP Osama Al-Menawer asked Minister of Oil and Higher Education Muhammad Al-Fares on the violations uncovered in Al- Shagaya alternative energy project implemented by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).

He wants to know the names, qualifications and tasks of the members of the team in charge of the project; members of the factfinding committee tasked to investigate the violations, results of the investigation and recommendations of the committee; if any of the officials found to be responsible for the violations are still in their respective posts; and reasons behind the delayed implementation of penalties and recommendations in the committee’s report. MP Mubarak Al-Arow forwarded queries to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Nazaha Enhancement Abdullah Al-Rumi, Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali, Minister of Awqaf and Isamic Affairs Essa Al-Kandari, Minister of Oil and Higher Education Dr Muhammad Al-Fares, Minister of Health Dr Basel Al-Sabah, Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Communication and Information Technology Affairs Rana Al-Fares, Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Mubarak Al-Harees, Minister of Interior Sheikh Thamer Ali Al- Sabah, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs Khalifa Hamada, Minister of Information and Culture and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Abdulrahman Badah Al-Mutairi, Minister of Education Ali Fahd Al-Mudaf, Minister of State for Municipality and Housing Affairs and Urban Development Shaya Abdulrahman Al-Shaya, Minister of Commerce and Industry Abdullah Essa Al-Salman, and Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy and Minister of State for Social Affairs and Societal Development Meshaan Al-Otaibi.

He asked these ministers about the number and qualifications of expatriate workers, expatriate consultants and Kuwaiti consultants in every ministry; in addition to the procedures adopted by each ministry to implement the replacement policy. He asked Al-Fares about the number of expatriate and Kuwaiti students at Kuwait University; number of scholarships granted to Kuwaiti, foreign and Arab students; and requirements for obtaining scholarship. He asked the health minister about the number of cases that the Overseas Treatment Committee is currently evaluating; how long is the processing of overseas treatment applications -- from the date of receiving the application until the travel date; if this period matches the specified duration for urgent cases; cost of overseas treatment from Jan 1, 2019 till date; number of rejected applications and reasons behind the rejection. By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff