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It is clear from the sayings and suggestions of some members of the National Assembly that they do not believe in the importance of morals and education, nor in the necessity of educational attainment, and the issue becomes more disturbing if some deputies are behind the rejection of the importance of an MP who should have good morals, educated, and a clean sheet of criminal record and that includes honor and trust.

It is weird that such deputies call day and night for religious virtues and reforms in society. The whole thing becomes tragic when these MPs (seniors) belong to the Muslim Brotherhood Party and the party representatives in the National Assembly and by that we mean the virtuous representatives, Osama Al-Shaheen and Muhammad Al-Dalal.

They submitted a proposal to the National Assembly to amend the provisions of the Elections Law No. 35/1962, to empty it of its content to suit them and it is time to shout ‘Oh, my God’ to what extent these parliamentarians can go to.

In an absurd and illogical justification  they request to allow those convicted of honor crimes and a distrustful person to contest the parliamentary elections. This justification is basically related to their desire to address the negativities of implementing the current law, and the success of the electoral process.

This means the current law, which bars those convicted in crimes related to honor and dishonesty from contesting parliamentary elections, renders all constitutions and election laws in the world invalid.

I wrote this article on Tuesday, and by the time it goes into print perhaps the two ‘virtuous’ MPs in the meantime have either withdrawn their proposal or not, this will not change the fact that the mere thought of any sane person to adopt or call for it or the participation of another is considered an unprecedented ‘political failure’ on the moral front. However, withdrawing the proposal will not absolve them of responsibility.

Political modesty required one of them, or both of them, to think about the consequences of a candidate who has been convicted of breaching honor and trust competing with another candidate who is clean, and known for his virtues of honor, honesty and integrity, with the possibility of success of the former succeeding and the other losing the election. This is exactly what they aim for, and this proposal was made only for the benefit of their group.

Consequently, we place this article on this suspicious proposal that disclosed what is their conscience made of, at  the disposal of every person of conscience and reason, especially the voters who elected these two ‘virtuous’ MPs, who we and others would stand with if their proposal was related to stressing on the issues of the candidate’s integrity and honor, or if the amendment was related to the need for the candidate to be educated with the least education and should hold at least a high school certificate, for example, instead of the current literacy requirement, and this did not happen, and therefore we have to say to them ‘Shame on you’!

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf