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IF ‘Hezbollah’ is a member of the government, an influential force on the ground and the one which controls Lebanon’s State decisions, it will mess up people’s minds whenever a Lebanese official comes out to say he abides by the policy of disassociation. It becomes worse if that official is the Lebanese President.This President is personally covering the movement of his foreign minister — Gebran Bassil, a move which completely gears toward the Persian expansionism scheme. In fact, he is monopolizing this policy and it is no longer a secret to anyone how he tailors it according to measurements which serve any interest.The position taken by the Lebanese representative in the Arab League Summit recently means the country has entered the axis of evil countries which nurture terrorism.Undoubtedly, any Arab cannot be keen on supporting Lebanon more than its people and its politicians. That is why it is imperative for them to remember their history correctly, especially the modern one.Since the independence, whose 73rd anniversary will be commemorated the day after tomorrow, until 1968; Lebanon was away from regional tremors due to its neutral position which was in harmony with its abilities and capabilities.However, after it entered the regional orbit, it signed for tremors which led to the civil war that continued for 17 years.The result of that war was a weaker State which became easier to control and be influenced by regional forces. This led to the stumble of ‘Taif Agreement,’ especially after the disarmament exemption of the militia group ‘Hezbollah’ due to considerations imposed by Iran’s regime and the occupying Syria at the time went along with it.Now, after Israel’s withdrawal and after that militia’s interference in the affairs of several Arab countries, whether politically through inciting against ruling regimes before 2011 and chaos caused by the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ or militarily after that year; the group has become a party outside the constitutional and legal frameworks, let alone landing on the terrorist list.Everyone knows that ‘Hezb Al-Shaytan’ committed many transgressions on Gulf countries since the 1980s up to this day. It has reached the level of explosions, assassinations and hijacking of planes in Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.In recent years, this group drenched itself with Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni blood. It has been executing instructions and orders from Iran which is engaged in a proxy war in the region and it has reached the point of threatening international marine navigation by setting mines in water paths along Al-Mandab Strait.In addition, it launched a ballistic missile in Yemen, targeting Riyadh. It is setting up cells which carry out terrorist acts in most countries. Recently, it participated in destructive operations in Bahrain.The Lebanese State is attempting to ignore these facts due to Hezbollah’s control over its decisions. At the same time, it plays with the minds of Arab countries whenever its President talks about the dissociation policy, whereas the foreign minister is propagating the ‘Hezb Al-Shaytan’ point of view in every Arab and international arena.Sometimes, his foreign minister is more on the extreme position than the terrorist group in a bid to guarantee support for his party in the elections, and perhaps, to realize his dream of reaching the presidential seat of Lebanon.Unfortunately, Lebanon, which was once described as the ‘Swiss’ of the East, did not learn anything from the Swiss of the Wes throughout the half century ago, especially in the concept of neutralism.This concept made Switzerland a very strong country in terms of economy and security. Although its people are armed and well-trained, and the law applies on everyone, it is unfortunate that the ‘Swiss’ of the East failed to realize this objective.It appears that the actual ruler of Lebanon is dwelling in the dungeons of Dahieh and he wants this country to become another Somalia just to fulfill the desires of their Iranian master.Will the Lebanese allow themselves to be dragged into a new civil war since someone is dragging them into the axis of evil?By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times