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Int’l reps observes silence for Palestinian martyrs at behest of Kuwait
Kuwait’s Sadeq Marafi while attending the 27th Session of UN’s CCPCJ.
GENEVA, May 19, (KUNA): Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to the UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim expressed his country’s regret Friday over UNSC’s inability to deal with the recent Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.The international community’s silence prompts Israeli authorities to violate the international humanitarian law and human rights law whenever they wished, Al-Ghunaim said in his speech at the UN Human Rights Council’s special session to discuss the situations in the occupied Arab lands, including east Jerusalem. “Israel carries out all forms of infringements without paying any attention to the international condemnations and denouncements. Therefore, we wonder what the international community is waiting for to provide an international protection to the unarmed Palestinian people?” he said.Kuwait expresses deep sorrow for UNSC’s inability to even release a draft statement on conducting an independent and transparent international investigation of the massacres committed against the unarmed Palestinian people, and hold those responsible for it accountable, he added. Al-Ghunaim also questioned whether the time has come to implement UNSC resolutions, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, based on the recent events that took place in the occupied Palestinian territories.Since the early moments of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, Kuwait rushed, through its UNSC membership, to provoke the subject internationally in order to provide protection to the Palestinian people and hold those responsible for shooting unarmed Palestinian demonstrators accountable, he added.The Israeli recent hostilities and crimes in the Gaza Strip, which killed around 64 people and wounded thousands others, are just part of another episode of their series of massacres against the Palestinian people, said the Kuwaiti diplomat. It is important the UN should use all its powers immediately to deal with the recent Israeli violations, most notably UNHRC which should, by now, take decisive steps to stop these violations, investigate the perpetrators, and submit findings to the specialized judicial bodies, said Al-Ghunaim.Furthermore, the Kuwaiti diplomat affirmed his country’s continuation to provide all financial aid and political support to the Palestinians until the end of Israeli occupation of Arab territories and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital. Meanwhile, representatives from countries attending UN meetings in Vienna, Austria, observed, at behest of Kuwait, a minute in silence in respect to Palestinians who were killed by the Israeli forces in Gaza Strip.Silence Kuwait’s Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative at International Organizations in Vienna Sadeq Marafi ’s call for a minute of silence was welcomed by all parties attending 27th Session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. The attendees, excluding Israel’s, stood for a minute to show respect to the Palestinian martyrs.The 27th session had meanwhile concluded deliberations with the adoption of a host of resolutions supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specially regarding combat against human traffi cking. Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of the United Nations Offi ce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), highlighted the Commission’s efforts to further strengthen integrated responses to crime challenges, including by confronting cybercrime, which was the focus of the week’s thematic discussion. “The resolutions adopted to address urgent threats such as human traffi cking also made a critical link to tackling abuse of advanced technologies, to counter such crimes and protect victims,” he said. “The Commission has also helped to emphasize the important fact that technology is also an essential part of the solution. I hope this week will advance our work with you to strengthen partnerships, including with the private sector, to provide technical assistance and enhance international cooperation to prevent and stop cybercrime,” he said.