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author name Arab Times

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Palestinians wave yellow Fatah flags and national flags during a really to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader and Fatah founder Yasser Arafat, at the main square in Gaza City on Nov 20. Tens of thousands participate in a rally held by supporters of exiled former Fatah strongman Mohammed Dahlan, who has fallen out with Arafat’s successor, President Mahmoud Abbas. Gaza’s Hamas rulers allowed Dahlan’s supporters to hold a rally, but pro-Abbas Fatah says the Islamic group prevented them from doing so. (AP)
NEW YORK, Nov 20, (Agencies): Kuwait’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi has reiterated his country’s full solidarity with the Palestinian people. Al-Otaibi made his remarks in his speech at the UNSC monthly session to discuss the latest updates on the situations in the Middle East region, including the Palestinian cause.The Kuwaiti leadership, government, and people applaud the Palestinians’ courage to withstand and resist the Israeli occupation, and support their legitimate right to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, he added.There is an international consensus on the importance of boosting multilateralism and UN’s role in preventing the outbreak of a third World War, which would eventually lead to a global disaster and enormous human and property losses as in World War I and II, he noted.“As we reiterate our commitment to support multilateral mechanisms against recent pressures faced by the UN, we support UN Secretary-General’s indication that the way UNSC dealt with the peace process in the Middle East has contributed in the loss of people’s trust in the international community’s capability to provide solutions,” said the Kuwaiti diplomat.The UN Charter grants the UNSC special authority and responsibility to deal with such crisis, he said, adding that UNSC’s action gave the Israeli authority the chance to carry on their violation of international laws and ignore UNSC resolutions.Kuwait, jointly with Bolivia, submitted a request to hold a session to discuss the current inhuman situation in the Gaza Strip, which is similar to the events that took place in 2014, due to Israeli forces’ flagrant incursion to the Strip, said Al-Otaibi.The Israeli soldiers made their incursion 3 kms to the Strip without taking the safety of civilians into consideration, driving inside towns and districts with the intention of committing a crime that violates the International Law and the International humanitarian Law, he said, noting 14 civilians were killed as a result. Israelis forces also began a wide scale campaign of air strikes on various areas in the Gaza Strip for two consecutive days since Sunday, killing several Palestinian civilians and destroying numerous properties, Al- Otaibi said.The Israeli occupation forces have been using brute force randomly in the Strip since March and until present day, in addition to targeting civilian protestors with live ammunition, killing so far 228 people, including 41 children, noted the Kuwaiti diplomat.Furthermore, Al-Otaibi urged UNSC to implement its resolutions, including 605 and 904, on providing protection for Palestinian civilians, pointing out the Assembly’s importance in completing UN’s efforts, led by UN envoy to the Middle East Nikolai Maldanov. The Kuwaiti diplomat also valued Egypt’s efforts in ceasing the Israeli hostilities in the Gaza Strip, hoping these efforts would also result in a permanent ceasefire in the Strip and providing a protection for civilians.