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Kuwait-Turk Bank donates $285,000 to TRCS
KRCS’ volunteers distributing relief aid in Iraq (left), and in Syria (right).
KUWAIT CITY, Sept 23, (KUNA): Kuwait maintained its unwavering approach of aiding nations ravaged by natural and man-made disasters across the globe throughout the past week, ended on Friday. In Turkey, Kuwait-Turk Bank has donated one million lira ($285,000) to the Turkish Red Crescent Society to relieve Muslim Rohingya who have been fl eeing violence in their country Myanmar.Bank general manager, Ufuk Oyan, said in a statement during a ceremony for handing over the donation cheque that the bank management decided to help the Rohingya in response to appeals by clients and staff. Oyan hoped that the move would stimulate other establishments to contribute to aiding those Muslims. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya, targeted with persecution and random violence, have been fleeing Myanmar to neighboring Bangladesh. In Irbil, Kuwait distributed 75 tons of food and drinking water for displaced Iraqis in Mosul and Dahuk governorate on Friday. The items were delivered to 2,000 displaced Iraqi families living in poor conditions, head of Dahuk office at Barzani Charitable Society Waheed Saleem told KUNA.Saleem hailed Kuwait’s continuous aid that saved the lives of many displaced Iraqi children facing lack of food. The aid is part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” campaign, provided by Kuwait’s Al-Najat Charity. Last Sunday, Al-Barzani’s society also distributed 500 food baskets and water delivered by Kuwait for those displaced in the left side of Mosul. In Lebanon, the Kuwait Red Crescent Society Group caters to skilled, professional job opportunities in Kuwait PhilSoc MSK officers and members with embassy and POLO officials. Aid.Al Aftan in his inspirational speech urged the group to continue with its mission in uplifting the image of Filipino workers in Kuwait and protecting their rights and welfare. “We will be here if you need our help in handling and resolving some labour cases,” stressed Al Aftan. The program hosted by Ben Braga and Del Mundo was marked by intermission numbers by the Infinity Event Management talents namely Jennifer Uy, Carlo Delfinado, Mark Guarin, Mark Franciso, and Najwa Lacson. The Mad Vibes dance group also performed bombastic dances to the delight of the audience. The event was capped by the ceremonial cutting of the cake by Macapudi, Al Ali, Del Mundo, Caba, Guerrero and Ballang followed by the sumptuous dinner buffet. (KRCS) launched a new phase of aid for Syrian refugees through its various projects across the country.The society launched the ninth phase of its dialysis project for the sixth year in the Orange Nassau Hospital in Tripoli to treat patients suffering from kidney diseases, head of KRCS’ mission in Lebanon, Dr Mousaed Al-Anzi, told KUNA. He said that the KRCS will distribute bread through the bread project to 500 displaced Syrian families in northern Lebanon, as well as to 500 Palestinian refugee families in Beddawi camp in the north. Al-Anzi added that the KRCS would also follow up on the project of the artificial limbs, which is being implemented in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to help displaced Syrians wounded by the war.Last year, the KRCS launched a joint project with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to rehabilitate the wounded Syrian refugees through provision of artificial limbs to needy displaced people.In Iraq, the Kuwait Society for Relief started revamping July 30th Medical Center in the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul in collaboration with the United Iraqi Medical Society for Relief and Development (UIMS). In statements to KUNA, UIMS Chairman Dr Ahmad Al-Hetti said that the renovation is being carried out as a part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” relief campaign under the supervision of the Iraqi Premier’s Office and Kuwait’s Embassy in Iraq. He added that the July 30th Medical Center serves residents of seven districts of the war-ravaged city. The move comes only five days after the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED)’s announcement of $100 million-worth grant to finance health projects in Iraq cities affected by the war on the so-called Islamic State (IS) group.In Yemen, Kuwait’s Patients Helping Fund Society (PHF) delivered medical relief aid to Yemenis in the city of Aden on Tuesday. Director General of Yemen’s national medical supplies program Dr Suad Maisari told the press that three containers, filled with medicine to treat Cholera and other ailments, have arrived to the Yemeni city. The Yemeni official revealed that the recent batch of medical relief aid was delivered within Kuwait’s campaign for Yemen dubbed “Kuwait by Your side”.