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JORDAN’S important status in the world has been highlighted by the overwhelming international support it received for the measures taken by its monarch to protect the stability of the country from the intrigues of some. It is also evidenced from the great solidarity shown by the people of the Middle East, especially the Arabian Gulf region, which began in the early hours of the intrigues that emerged in Amman.

All this is due to the balance maintained in its international relations. The late King Hussein bin Talal had invested over five decades of perseverance in strengthening the pillars of the monarchy, and steadfastness in the face of the earthquakes that struck the country, and for creating a political path that made it the focus of the world’s attention.

During the 48 years of King Hussein’s rule, Jordan was the focus of Western media attention in terms of the initiatives it presented the steadfast positions it maintained concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict, the way it overlooked the wounds caused by Jamal Abdul-Nasser, and its support towards Egypt in the Six-Day War.

It is understood from the start that any setback for an Arab country is a setback for everyone. The Arab image drawn in the Western mindset must be changed for the better, especially the perception about the Arab monarchs, as the Western circles had worked on distorting their stances and courses of development.

In response to these fallacies, the late King Hussein bin Talal worked on two paths. The first path was to ensure internal development by developing human beings using an advanced educational system. For this, he was called the Builder King. Working throughout the country steadily and calmly, he was eventually able to place the country on the map of the world as an important and sovereign state.

The second path was manifested in his international campaign to correct the image of the Arab monarchs. Their leaders were presented to the Western world in the correct manner, and the preconceived conclusions that some orientalists had formed in the Western mindset were eliminated.

Here it is necessary to admit to the man that he created an important kingdom. He knew how to utilize its strategic position to make it the focus of the world’s attention. He worked on an advanced system of legislation that strengthened its role and fortified the monarch. He cemented the loyalty of the armed forces and the clans that saw in him great works to build a strong and solid kingdom, as the events of the past two decades have proven.

Nonetheless, as a Kuwaiti, I am bitter about his support towards Saddam Hussein during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. However, I was certain from my interactions with him in London and Amman that the man must return to his purity and Arabism ... but time was not on his side.

Given that this cub comes from that lion, Jordanians, Arabs and the world view King Abdullah II as a complement to his father’s path. They expect him to surpass his teacher in modernizing the country in accordance with the Arab proverb which translates – “How many students have become better than their teachers?”

Currently, there are many opportunities available to Jordan, and all of them could turn into historical achievements credited to the current king. This includes developing investments, building a system by taking advantage of the opportunity of peace that relieved Jordan of heavy burdens and paved the way to overcome the escalating unemployment crisis through a large industrial and agricultural infrastructure, building a real partnership among Jordanian, Gulf, Israeli and Western businessmen, and opening western markets to Jordan to overcome all of its economic challenges.

This matter needs special effort from King Abdullah II, who will undoubtedly find a great turnout of investors and states. Indeed, loans will be poured into Jordan, which ultimately will lead to the closure of the outlets for trolls in the waters of its stability crisis. We hence reiterate, “Prosperity breeds stability.”

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times