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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
FOR several months, we have been hearing and reading opinions that total victory over ISIL is impossible. Majority of these opinions insinuated acceptance of the ‘reality’ - the birth of a new State in Iraq and Syria. This notion came after the issuance of several US stances. US President Barack Obama even stated that, “Defeating this organization (ISIL) needs 30 years of war.”

However, the battle of Ramadi and some other towns have proven that Iraqi forces can liberate towns occupied by ISIL; thereby, refuting the abovementioned opinions. Undoubtedly, the incidents in the last decade were the main reasons behind the weakening of Iraqi national unity, prompting the formation of sectarian groups and forces fed by the alliances from inside.

Some regional forces granted aid to such sectarian alliances to allow them to replace and take over State establishments which had already been contaminated with sectarian mentality. This mentality created a wider ground in which regional intervention thrived to stop the resistance that tears apart this great Arab country which, if completely divided, will take the entire region into the abyss.

Based on these facts, Iran drafted its scheme in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen by tapping into creedal contradictions and blowing the matter out of proportion, so it became a constant source of conflict between the targeted Arab societies.

Iran also knew that its scheme will not succeed unless there is another creedal and sectarian force to fight against it; hence, the ISIL came as an unexpected gift. This group operates contrary to the militias which support Tehran. It emerged from the womb of al-Qaeda while Tehran is still committed to maintain a long truce in exchange for protecting its leaders.

In the past weeks, many people heard news about some ISIL leaders endorsing what the leaders of al-Qaeda have agreed on. Among the items of this agreement concern Iran, which made it easy for this terrorist group to acquire heavy weapons, artilleries and tankers from the Iraqi Army in June last year.

This happened after the commander in chief of Iraq’s Armed Forces at the time, Nouri Al-Maliki, ordered their withdrawal from areas which were being attacked by the ISIL. Nonetheless, this scene started changing today; hence, the Iraq that we know will not persist in being submissive to Iran’s leadership, especially after the Iraqis saw with their own eyes how the members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard are desecrating their country.

The Iraqis saw Qassim Al-Baghdadi, a member of the Revolutionary Guard, dancing in some Iraqi towns after they were liberated by the forces known as ‘Failaq Al-Quds’. These forces consider themselves the actual rulers of Iraq.

In fact, some of the top leaders in Iran’s regime did not hesitate in saying that Baghdad is the capital of the new Persian Empire. This is the Iraqis’ desire to regain control of their country, as evident in their determination and advancement in the battle to liberate Ramadi.

This advancement necessitates two parallel plans: First, reunification of their country with the blood currently shed in their land, and second, to persist in isolating the Iranian influence. Without these two plans, Iraq will continue to be plagued with sectarian and creedal diseases, in addition to being the ground for Iranian expansionism influence.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times