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IT IS now clear that the death of the Mullah regime in Iran is approaching after the return of demonstrations on the streets in Iranian towns and burning down of ‘Basij’ headquarters — whereas the livelihood crisis continues to bite harder and the populace rejection of spending billions of dollars on ‘exportation of revolution’ continues to intensify.This exportation of evil has cost the Iranian people immense wealth which would have been used as incentive to revive their economy and absorb the condition of anger due to hunger and unemployment.If only the regime focused on internal development instead of exporting evil, it would not have brought international blockade and populace wrath to itself.No one denies that the current condition in Iran has a huge impact on the region. Without a doubt, it will lead to changes in the political map, at least, in the collapse of creedal support for Mullah’s policies.This came after majority of Arab Shias discovered that the main objective of Tehran’s scheme is to ‘Persianize’ the region by changing its cultural identity. This applies to both Sunnis and Shias due to the fact that the threat touches their pan-Arabism, and there is no preference between this and that.All of them are susceptible to the Iranian guillotine which is completely contrary to lifting injustice from those who have been aggrieved, as claimed by the ‘peacock’ regime.Results of what transpired in Iran in the past weeks has started showing in Lebanon, where the scope of rebellion against ‘Hezbollah’ dictations continues to expand — let alone the slow withdrawal of Hassan Nasrallah’s tone in his capacity as spokesperson of the Mullah regime.He used to issue statements on behalf of Tehran’s agents in Sanaa and Baghdad, and intimidated Manama, as if he is the chief of those countries. He forgot that the Lebanese people’s unwillingness to return to civil war made him into the mouthpiece of Iran.However, after he got carried away, the Lebanese started striving to tame him back to the natural size. This means the basement inmate in Dahiya is also resented by his gang.In addition, after getting rid of the majority of ‘DAESH’ elements; Baghdad started to liberate itself from the grip of Iran’s regime and its gangs through a series of measures to eliminate corruption which has spread with the support of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard leaders.Also in Yemen, the outcome of Iran’s populace uprising is unfolding through the size of the ground where Houthi rebels are losing in various areas under pressure of the army, national resistance and Arab coalition’s support for them.This has reached a point where confrontation is now on the sides of Sanaa and Saada governorates — the main nests of the Houthis. All of this is due to the fall of financial and weaponry support from Iran to this gang, which is striving to create a poisonous spearhead to stab the southern frontier of the Arabian Peninsula.It is true that countries need decades to grow old if change is not an option. Nevertheless, it is also true that all that is needed in Iran, which has been knocking on a rock for the past 39 years to prove it is able to challenge the world, is to bring down the fear barrier for the house of sand to collapse.If that is the case, how effective will it be if the high wave of populace anger toward the ruling band continues to grow daily in several Iranian towns?By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times