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Intisaar Al-Ma’touq Intisaar Al-Ma’touq

THE success of this year’s organization of Hajj (pilgrimage) is undeniable, despite the loud voices of condemnation which were silenced by the ingenuity of the concerned authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This year’s Hajj witnessed the ‘assembly’ of security, humanitarian acts, religious rituals and volunteerism. All of these were in chime with each other so the success was crowned by global recognition of the impressive performance in hosting the victors of ‘Kaaba’ (Holy House of Allah).

It is the Holy Place — the cleansed space that Tehran wants to occupy under the pretext of “internationalizing Hajj management.” As it appears, this is the last thing we need to see, “Iran’s oversight on Hajj management.”

If we put Iran’s demeanor under the microscope, we will discover that it is attempting to carry empty bags to be filled in Makkah. This is why the strange country has strived through ill attempts to crawl to every moving kingdom in a bid to “hit two birds with one stone.” The first bird is the transformation of Hajj into a commercial center — Iran’s Limited Company, while the second bird is the import of its revolution and ruling to the Islamic world along with decrees from their supreme religious leader.

What Iran tried to ignore is that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia spends for Muslims without taking anything in return so they could perform their religious rituals. The Kingdom pays billions to offer free facilities which protect the pilgrims, provide their basic needs and make it easy for them to perform this great obligation.

Has Iran succeeded in its attempts? Definitely no. Instead, all that it has done is to unify the lines more, such that an ordinary citizen becomes a soldier and an Arab citizen becomes a police officer guarding the Holy Place with his spontaneous methods.

This year’s Hajj witnessed true harmony which bestowed upon the efforts exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its unknown guardians an atmosphere of greatness that dwarfed Tehran, more than what is necessary.

 Iran barred its people from performing Hajj and completing this great ritual in Makkah. In fact, the voices of its clerics provided a new destination for their people when they said, “Hajj is in Karbala.”

I am certain that many of the subdued Iranians do not have an option to stop the promotion of this apostasy, which claims that Hajj in Karbala suffices Hajj in the Holy House of Allah in the honored city of Makkah.

What kind of new religion is Iran trying to advocate? What kind of minds fall for whatever is being said about this new religion?

Thank you to our strategic partners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for every season of Hajj without Iran.

By Intisaar Al-Matouq