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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

YES, it is your era, O Salman bin Abdulaziz. You deserve to be proud of it and so do we.

We, along with the entire world, witnessed how determination and decisiveness can confront forces of evil and terror.

It is indeed your era – the era of development, in parallel to the strengthening of the nation and restoration of its unity.

Wasn’t it your stances in Yemen that restored its legitimacy and unity after crushing the Persian aggression? In fact, the ‘Revival of Hope’ Operation was the start of the new chapter concerning the way the world deals with the GCC countries.

Wasn’t the foundation for protecting our countries and people formed from your efforts in rescuing Egypt from the tentacles of the Muslim Brotherhood Group?

It is your era, O Salman. You prioritized protection of the Syrian people and realization of their peace, security and stability above every international interests and deals which some forces strived to gain at the expense of their blood.

It was you who redefined the term ‘terrorism’ by classifying the Hezbollah Group as a terrorist group like the al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front, ‘DAESH’ and the Muslim Brotherhood Group. All these groups are from the same womb irrespective of their different names and features.

This is the era when the ‘Thunder of the North’ sent a clear unequivocal message to those far and near that – “Long gone and never to return is the era of hesitation, floundering and divisions within the Arab and Muslim nations”.

Yes, it is your era, O Salman. You are the one who restored the self-confidence of this nation through the power of righteousness and self-reliance in determining the course to take despite the violent waves that are striking the region.

This is the era of historic stances that cemented the stability of the GCC countries through relentless confrontation of organized forces of political crimes which strived for the destabilization of these countries.

O Salman, this is your era because you are the one who gave reverence and strength to the decisions taken by the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Conference.

This is the era of the one who gathered 350 soldiers, about 20,000 tankers and 3,000 jetfighters, and united the soldiers from 20 countries to fight the enemies.

With these achievements, you have consolidated the confidence of Arabs such that when we make decisions and commit ourselves to implementing them, we command respect and reverence in the global arena as a player who cannot be belittled.

When we prepare ourselves for war, we do not forsake peace but we are actually striving for it from a position of strength that has imposed its conditions, and not from a position whereby conditions have been imposed on us.

Indeed, it is your era, O Salman because you are the one who rendered the Arab nation to enjoy its national will and power which were absent for a long time because of some who have been placing bad bets.

O Salman, this is your age because of your well-advised strength and wise vision regarding the needs of the Arab and Islamic nations.

This is the era for achievement of development of human beings, construction of buildings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the deepening of the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among the Arab nations in the absence of the attitudes of those who lack stances of unity and aim to weaken the advancing Arab front.

Yes, it is indeed your era, O Salman bin Abdulaziz – an era that history will adorn with pages of glory.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times