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Ahmad Al-Sarraf Ahmad Al-Sarraf

The Muslims and Jews share many issues, including circumcision and intense hatred for all that is related to the pig, in name, form and substance.

For this reason, a large segment of the Dutch depends on breeding and selling pig products. Out of scientific curiosity, a young Dutch female researcher Christien Meindertsma spent three years researching what happens to pig products after it is slaughtered, and in Netherlands in particular, which annually produces 12 million pigs.

Christien discovered that the pig’s flesh, skin, hair, bowels and even bones are used in the manufacture and production of hundreds of materials and perhaps pig is the only animal that is made use of completely, until the last drop of blood, or a piece of skin or bone.

Christien compiled a book on her findings and new information. It includes very strange images and explanations which are unknown even to cattle breeders and traders of pork products. Surprisingly, much of that information was not known to anyone before.

Christien said she gathered the information through personal contact and writing to a large group of buyers of pig products in various countries around the world.

Christien mentioned in the book ‘Encyclopedic’ that pork products go into making steel molds, which are used in the manufacture of aluminum containers which are often used in food preservation. Pig parts are almost used in every product such as the soap, shampoo, and wrinkle resistance cream, moisturizing skin lotion, toothpaste, nail dye and much more.

Pork products are also used in all kinds of desserts, in particular the cheese cake, chocolates and the Tiramisu (popular coffee-flavored custard).

Proteins extracted from pork are also used in a paste of many types of bread, and butter industry, particularly to produce low fat product.

In the construction industry, parts of pigs are used in the production of heavy and light bricks, in porcelain industries, and in the best kinds of paints and brushes, which are used in various applications.

Pork products are also used in the gum industry, beer and wine, as well as in the production of hemoglobin, which is extracted from the pig’s blood, and in the manufacture of cigarette filters to make smoking less harmful.

Ironically, the basic material in the collagen which is used by women for a facelift, particularly the Gulf and Lebanese women, is derived from pig product, because it goes in harmony with mankind, and because the body accepts them. Pig products are widely used in heart surgeries and other operations. The researcher discovered that the weapons factories also use pig fat in the manufacture of ammunition.

Christien said she made the research not only for the benefit of her homeland, but to show others how and where animal parts are used, and pigs in particular, which are used in our everyday life — the foods that we consume and the materials we use. I wrote this article to warn whomsoever it may concern. I do not know where to flee!

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf