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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
WITH the assassination of Ali Abdullah Saleh, they opened the gates to hell with their own hands. They started digging their graves with the illusion of controlling — a desire far bigger than their dreams. The fall of the Houthis was expected since the start of the coalition as their action was politically illogical because they had embarked on a scheme to execute Persia’s agenda of expansionism.In the midst of all this, the late Saleh was striving to return to power riding on the Houthis’ Trojan horse. However, due to different objectives on both sides of the coalition, it is imminent that Abdul-Malik Al- Houthi will live to see the last bloodshed, as the history of the Himyarite king of Yemen, Sayf ibn Dhi-Yazan (516-578 BC) repeats itself.Today, the Houthis are being hoisted by their own petard. This group has definitely shot itself in the foot if it believes that the assassination of Saleh would kill efforts of reconciliation between him and the political force on one hand, and the legitimate authority and the Arab coalition on the other.The fact is, reconciliation is currently in the offing and the evacuation of the diplomatic staff (even the allies) from Sana’a, including Iran and Russia, and closing down offices of international relief organizations are all indications that, everyone is convinced that killing one of the key options to solution closes all doors of settlement forever, and instead opens the way for military resolve.Nonetheless, no other military force can take up such task except the national military forces and popular resistance with the help of the Arab coalition which was formed about 29 months ago to eradicate the cancerous Houthi cells from all parts of Yemen, with cauterization as the final dose.Finally, the people of Yemen are convinced that, everything that the late Saleh said over the past three years was for political consumption to find for himself a role in the final settlement and protect his seat.This was evident in the final days of his life when he exposed everything and revealed the level of damage caused by the Houthis, and how they strived to sell Yemen to Iran and push the Gulf Cooperation Council countries into the savage jaws of the expansionists and this brought about his quick end. Since the beginning, there was the “Decisive Storm” which was announced by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz to initially prevent Yemen from falling prey and to crush the Persian expansionism scheme and here is Yemen today, reaping its fruit by regaining captured areas.Indeed, this storm is ongoing and all Gulf countries are in it irrespective of the cost of the operation and lives which will be lost, although, this doesn’t mean that, the Yemeni parties should stand still, especially the General People’s Congress following the gruesome murder of its founder.Other party which needs to return to the Yemeni fold is ‘Al-Islah’ and the rest of the parties which should not wait for this or that team to succeed; instead, these parties should engage in warfare to do away with the disguised Iranian occupation. The clock is ticking, liberation is fast approaching and there is no place for gamble.The Iranians have failed to infiltrate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Houthis will definitely fail to open the southern frontier of the Arabian Peninsula.By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times[email protected]