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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT IS no longer strange for the Palestinians to reject any initiative to solve their case. Factions representing them are now accustomed to political blackmail and trading in the case for the sake of lining up their pockets. These factions transformed the case from an Arab case into a Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Such factions are responsible for sinking the case into dungeons of wrangles in an ugly manner. Instead of shouldering the national responsibility to protect Palestine from occupation, they rented out their guns to settle scores among Arab regimes.

Since the first Zionist congress in the city of Basel in Switzerland in 1897 and when Austro-Hungarian political activist Theodor Herzl started implementing the outcome of that congress, the Palestinians, especially the elites among them, have not thought of forming a national case to face the Zionist scheme.

Also, the Arabs did not heed the advice of the late Saudi King Abdulaziz to refrain from sending troops to fight in Palestine in 1948, to support Palestinians with money and weapons, and to adopt the style of the Zionists in that war.

Unfortunately, the Arab nations went on to send troops that used weapons provided by Britain and France. Their use of these weapons was limited due to the fact that the weapons were provided by the two colonial countries at the time.

As a result, the weapons and ammunitions failed; thereby, giving the Free Officers Movement in Egypt the justification to topple Egypt’s monarch – King Farouq. After the overthrowing of monarchs was reciprocated in other Arab countries, all of the movements involved in the revolutions adopted Palestine as their slogan in order to gain support from the Arab people who were overwhelmed by emotions and sentiments.

The Zionists built their scheme entirely on religious basis, whether in terms of claiming that they are returning to the land that Almighty Allah promised them, the construction of Solomon’s Temple or their claims regarding historic injustice.

The approach of the Zionists made them obtain significant support from several nations, interpreted through quick recognition of the State of Israel when the matter was tabled for discussion in the United Nations.

At the time, both the Arabs and Palestinians had no strategy to form a political and military force. In fact, some groups of Palestinian elites dealt with the situation as if it was a source of wealth; hence, they sold huge chunks of land to Zionist agencies for them to spend their money on entertainment activities in Beirut and several western cities.

The major error in the Palestinian vision was that it dealt with the national case in a manner which led the occupation to reach the level of taking over the entire country.

Actually, the factions paved way for the implementation of the theory of former Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol who said: “We will engage in war with the Arabs every 10 years. We will occupy new land so they can forget where we put our hands in the past.” These factions have been doing so either knowingly or unknowingly, and their acts served Israel such that the latter realized its objectives.

They instigated civil war in Jordan by attempting to topple the Jordanian regime in 1970 in what is historically known as ‘Black September’.

They interfered in Lebanon, fueled civil war and committed terrorist crimes in several Arab countries, especially in the Gulf; while accusing anyone who stands in their way of being a Zionist agent, imperialist or regressive, among other accusations which transformed into crisis in the stances they took.

Palestinians have not benefited from the experiences of other nations, particularly the Vietnamese who fought against the French until they forced the latter to withdraw from their land and made the United States of America incur major defeat in 1975.

The difference is that while the leaders of Vietnamese resistance, including Ho Chi Minh, remained anonymous until the peace negotiation in 1974 in Paris, the Palestinian leaders focused on being in the limelight. They fought their wars from hotels, not caves.

Palestinian leaders urged other countries to liberate their country, telling ibn Saud to send Saudis to fight against Israelis, as well as ibn Sabah and leaders of the Emirates. All this happened while they were enjoying the money donated by Arabs.

This is exactly the case of Hamas whose leaders are currently living in palaces and hotels in Qatar. They are generously spending on entertainment using the money that their leaders are receiving from Iran.

Many initiatives have been presented to solve the Palestinian case since the early 1950s; and every time, rejection comes from the Palestinian side.

Today as the peace plan is being presented in a manner which will preserve their rights and usher in a new beginning to solve their case, we see them agreeing to reject the plan.

This is mainly because once they agree on such plans or initiatives, they will lose their edge in blackmailing Arab countries which are paying a major portion of the cost of this case.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times