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DESPITE the Turkish official media’s rattling preview of the speech of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before the Parliament, nothing much was mentioned except questions which indicated his clear attempt to ‘escape forward’.This came after Erdogan said he will disclose important details concerning the issue of the late Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi.This only means Erdogan is trying to throw the ball in Saudi’s court to lure it into wherever he pleases. This is why he reiterated his famous statement since the beginning of the crisis, “We will disclose investigation results transparently.”Indeed, Erdogan posed questions, but he should be the one answering them considering the series of media leakages whose sources are well known – the official Turkish establishments, not the Saudi ones which are conducting investigation with those involved after they misled their leaders.The entire process is being conducted through legal channels without sliding into the game of leaks and public populist reactions as the sick ‘Brotherhood’ hearts are hoping for. They attempted to dictate to the Turkish President words which are not in the diplomatic dictionary.Undoubtedly, Turkey is a country with its own weight. Its administration has its own calculations which dictate the diplomatic accent to the President.Nonetheless, this accent cannot find its way into international relations, particularly with the Kingdom. Since the Kingdom engaged in serious and transparent investigations, it cut short the game of Turkish and ‘Brotherhood’ leaks to foreign information media. Without a doubt, someone is fishing in troubled waters to demonize the Kingdom and tarnish its image.Indeed, everyone knows that this speech will not be the last in the Turkish drama show. But at the same time, it is necessary to affirm that irrespective of its episodes, the show will lead to nowhere.This is due to the fact that blackmail politics does not fare well with a country like Saudi Arabia. This great nation will never be a commodity in the bazaar of electoral campaigns – whether in the United States of America, Turkey or other countries.The Kingdom has its own winning cards and it knows where, when and how to play these cards.Erdogan’s ‘consumable’ speech has put an end to the show and everything which followed. Even the Turkish presidential statements in the form of threats to disclose new episodes of the case will not exceed rhetoric whose objective is political instigation. All of that will be blown by the wind.Therefore, it is safe to say that this windmill battle of the ‘Brotherhood’ has ended just like the previous ones. It did not move the Kingdom which is currently witnessing a major investment phenomenon – the ‘Davos in the Desert’ investment conference wherein multi-billion deals were signed while the countries instigating the Kingdom are engulfed in choking economic crises.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times